How can I avoid a movie like this without wasting time?

Daphney 2022-04-21 09:01:35

this movie. Just one word - stupid.
The movie is divided into IQ. From the way Nick is chattering in the movie, and the silly things he says without a reason, we know that the writer of the script is a little clever and seems to have said everything.
I miss the wisdom and richness of "Lawrence of Arabia" again. Many movies, especially all commercial films, have no IQ but only plot. Of course, this one is better. I don't want to watch this kind of movie anymore. After watching half of it, I just deleted the other half that was going on.

It rained a lot today and the weather was very cold, and suddenly the sky lit up again. Thank you for smoking~~~ I smoked the last one too. This should be the last TMD summer vacation.

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Extended Reading

Thank You for Smoking quotes

  • Heather Holloway: [while undressing] This is Nick Naylor telling you kids, don't do drugs, smoke cigarettes

    Nick Naylor: That's really great, its like looking in the mirror

    Heather Holloway: New idea, cigarettes for the homeless, we'll call them hobos

    Nick Naylor: Hahaha, uh that's awful

    Heather Holloway: Any better than sector sixes

    Nick Naylor: right

    Heather Holloway: Oh my God Nick, you are on TV

    Nick Naylor: Lobbyist on the lookout. You gotta be kidding me

    Heather Holloway: I wanna fuck you while I watch you on TV

    Nick Naylor: And they call me sick

    Heather Holloway: Hurry before your segment ends

    Nick Naylor: Alright

  • Nick Naylor: [Narrating] Bobby Jay works for S.A.F.E.T.Y., the Society for the Advancement of Firearms and Effective Training for Youth. After watching the footage of the Kent State shootings, Bobby Jay, then seventeen, signed up for the National Guard so that he too could shoot college students. But, the National Guard recruiter was out to lunch, so Bobby Jay ended up shooting Panamanians instead. Which is almost as fun as shooting college students, only they shoot back.