Justice is gradually alienated

Fabian 2022-12-04 21:18:45

Craftsmanship is heavy. The narrative rhythm of the film is steady, restrained, and procrastinated. A revenge operation with real history. The core idea also discusses the process of the gradual alienation of justice.
From the beginning of the revenge against the mastermind of the Munich incident, the gradual reflection began, and the avengers eventually became the perpetrators, retribution, killing one, and the next superior, repeated endlessly. The core is the reflection on contradiction, hatred for an eye, an eye for an eye.
In terms of performance, there is actually no outstanding appearance. Bana's performance is still a bit deviated, and people always make plays. The actor Rush has very few appearances, but it is a bright spot. The rest such as Daniel, Mansred, etc. are not particularly outstanding. place.
In terms of narrative rhythm, the films of masters and academics are as stable as always, and the storytelling techniques are very textbook. From the occurrence of the Munich Massacre - the protagonist joins - the course of action - the termination of the action - reflection, the whole process of the Munich Massacre is interspersed, and the story is worth watching. But it will be boring. Occasional phone explosions and mattress explosions, such as the assassination of the PLO spokesman, are quite a feeling.
In terms of scene shaping, flared pants, punk heads, and bowler hats have a very 1970s atmosphere. The overall atmosphere is dull, with the cold violence of confrontation under the Cold War, and the feeling of infiltration.
Finally, let’s talk about something exciting. The most straightforward expression of the film’s theme should be when the protagonist pretends to be Eta and chats with Ali, a member of another terrorist organization, the director is worried that the audience will be deceived by the procrastinating narrative. There is no justice in the treatment of each other with Israel, and the bloodshed under the violent conflict is worthy of sympathy, but neither is it worth it. The Arab-Israeli conflict has been going on for nearly 70 years. Generations of blood have been sacrificed, but no real peace has been brought about. The contradictions and misunderstandings have intensified. The future of both sides will always be based on power and force. "The whole world has sympathy for Israel, so we shed blood just to let the world notice us", expressing the grief of the Palestinians most vividly. Thinking back to my early years, I had a natural resistance to injustice, sympathy for the weak, and hostility to the strong, but can I really say what is right and what is wrong? In the later stage of the movie, the protagonist fell into a strong delusion of persecution as his team members sacrificed one by one. Even if he returned to his family, he would not be able to return to the past. This is his own personal sorrow, but also The moral stains and inherent value contradictions that cannot be erased during the rise of Israel, a suffering nation. This point is particularly dazzling in the wave of greening and extreme right anti-Green religions all over the world. Who can guarantee that the Green Christians are not the next Jewish nation?
The basic score is 5 points, the narrative is calm +0.5, the change of real events +0.5, the depression and atmosphere of the Cold War +1, the theme is deep +0.5, the viewing experience is ok +0.5
The performance is average, but the story is dull -1, rhythm and plot There are points that don't quite make sense (such as the intelligence family, KGB and Mossad and the CIA's obscure hole struggle) - 0.5
comprehensive evaluation 6.5 points, you can take a look when you have time.

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Munich quotes

  • Steve: Don't fuck with the Jews.

  • Avner: There is no peace at the end of this.