
Marge 2022-03-16 09:01:04

This is the shadow of childhood.

According to the level of fear at the time, I would not watch it again if I was killed.

No, it's not fear, it's depression.
What movie can depress a 10-year-old baby?
It's a movie of the devil.

I can still remember those shots.
The forklift holding the glass, the brakes failed, and the reporter's head was held.
The pastor who told the truth could not enter the door of the church, and the cross struck by thunder penetrated his body.
Xiaowa rode a tricycle to and fro in the aisle on the second floor of the house.

So I don't like children.
Rarely ruin the future.
If he is heavy, he will be killed directly.

I highly recommend this movie.
I am eagerly looking forward to everyone's depression with me.

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Extended Reading

The Omen quotes

  • [last lines]

    Secret Service Man: Excuse me, Mr. President. When you're ready to leave, your car's right over there.

    President: In a moment.

    Secret Service Man: Yes, sir.

  • [last title card]

    Title card: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666." Book of Revelation Chapter 13 Verse 18