warning against politics

Jaclyn 2022-04-22 07:01:05

The story is based on a drama in Broadway named Farragut North. It tells about the schematic election, the sophisticated finesse in politics, and the price to pay in the pursuit of power.

The plots are a little bit decorative, as far as I am concerned. For instance, having dealt with politics for so many years, Paul would have thought over about the consequences of having Steven fired. He might have a paranoid. But making things right should be what he is good at. Then i guess the theme of this movie may be more than just politics. it does not matter whether the story appears authentic enough or not. i can learn something else from it.
When Duffy on the rival side asked to meet Steven in private, he went for it. That was the only reason for Paul to fire him. Then what Paul said was very trenchant. Steven was regretful and he said, i made a mistake. and Paul pointed out without reservation, You didn't make a mistake. You made a choice! You chose not to tell me. Why did you make that choice? Because you felt flattered. Because you felt special. To think that Duffy wants to speak to you instead of me? Cause you thought to yourself... maybe I can get something out of this. Because... because it makes you feel 'big'.
When we feel flattered, it is often the time that we make a huge mistake and even hurt others. Everyone has the desire for fame and accomplishment. It is imperative to keep sober and vigilant and never let the desire deprive us of our moral value and judgement. Or there is always a price to pay.
The director defines this movies as a piece of work on humanity and temptation. i guess i can grasp a little about his idea.
I am neither a Christian, nor an atheist, I'm not Jewish or Muslim … my religion, what i believe in, is called the Constitution of the Unit States of America.
The story has a surprising start. Steven was testing the microphone for the Governor. While I mistook what he said for a speech given by Governor. Then he whistled abruptly and absentmindedly repeated the last sentence Don't vote for me. This is quite sarcastic .
Steven's explanation of why being still single was that he had married to the campaign.
When he realized that he was set up by his rival, he spoke to that man seriously, it is my life you are talking about. he is no longer willing to consider any other option for his life since he wants so much for that feeling of power and control.
politics is so horrible.
people are easy to lost in it, and fall prey to it. Being too long inside the business, just like Duffy said, people become jaded and cynical, and what may be worse, that they are so obsessed that they forget about their bottom line .
When Steven is bereft of his job, he tended to use the trauma of that 20 year old intern who was in love with him to topple the Governor and fight everything back, until she committed suicide. Nothing but retaliation took possession of his mind. Still he would not give in.
Duffy told Steven that he could never offer him the position because revenge makes a person unpredictable and unstable. This might sound hypocritical in that situation, but he was telling the truth.
The war of politics always ends with a victory in exposing the darkness of humanity to the air.
This movie seems to warn those who are naive and artless, just like me, against the dreams about politics. Well it succeeds, again.

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Extended Reading

The Ides of March quotes

  • [first lines]

    Stephen Meyers: I'm not a Christian. I'm not an Atheist. I'm not Jewish. I'm not Muslim. My religion, what I believe in is called the Constitution of United States of America.

  • Stephen Meyers: I can't find the goddamn polls!