Those who have fantasies must die

Kameron 2022-04-21 09:01:37

Human nature has three fatal weaknesses: money, power, and sex. As sanctimonious as Governor Morris is, as is Stephen, the bright, witty and brave political golden boy.

If you think about it carefully, you will feel that the various rules and unspoken rules that prevail in the world are actually quite deformed in the long run. You see, it doesn't matter what kind of business you do, in society, the qualities that are most likely to be detrimental to yourself are precisely human virtues - such as truthfulness, and loyalty for example.

Yes, the losers are not all incompetent, pale and uncharismatic. If the hero is based on results, the inferior man is like this: he walks too seriously according to the rules (for another example, you can refer to the "Serious Men" of the Coen brothers).

Just like our old and senior lobbyist Uncle Tom: starting from scratch, starting from a little-known little person to run and train, until today, assisting the party's favorite to step on the road to the president - how can it be said to be careless and careless! But in the end, "loyalty is the only hard currency to fall back on" as he advertises, isn't it because he didn't play enough black quilted boy Stephen to strike out? And after the game, I still don't understand, why did it turn around overnight, and I changed from a fired boss to a fired boss?

Ok, think about it from another angle, there is no difference in essence between Tom and Duffy, who is a scrupulous opponent. When the situation was completely unfavorable for us, Uncle Duffy set up a situation to recruit Stephen Ann - if you don't use it for me, that's fine, then my opponent doesn't want to use it either. Of course, there is nothing to explain this move, just a different position. Only in the end will inevitably end up losing support camps and campaign funds - the general trend is also.

Speaking of the most faceless loser, there is only one blonde female intern Jasmine who was miscarried, resigned, and died inexplicably. What if your father is Li Gang? Bringing coffee to give a report, losing step by step for the camp, in the end, it is not an authentic victim or a stepping stone.

Therefore, the middle-rank candidates in the mixed society are naturally the male No. 1 Stephen who declares that "politics is my life" and is a little high. The man is handsome, tall, and witty. He wears a tie and walks out of the palace. He writes and speaks well behind the scenes. He was also a fan of the empty shelf Governor. Look at the private jet, he's chasing idols like a sunflower chasing the sun, and he can even say "I don't have to play dirty anymore, I've got Morris". But after being framed, he can also be as "tough" and "despicable" as his rival Republicans, and he will never give up and fight all the way to the end.

Stephen is a smart guy, and he makes the same mistakes that all smart guys do. It is by extortion to get the governor to the presidency, aren't you afraid that the president will set you up with a grudge at that time? People who are too smart are often too aggressive, and their swords will inevitably go sideways, so in the long run they are missing more than a star.

The bad thing is luck.

Therefore, the top class in the mixed society, the grand prize must be awarded to Morris, the current governor and future Democratic presidential candidate who shines like a big star, has a bright tongue, and lives like a drama. If you pay a little attention in life, it is not difficult to find that there are many high-level people in various companies and celebrities. There are really many such lucky guys. This kind of people is not without strength, after all, Morris has achieved remarkable political achievements during his tenure as governor, which has benefited the people; such people are also the kind of people who seem to be particularly good (of course not really good): every advantage is not enough. The same is blameless, so the only mistake Morris made is the same as former President Clinton: getting a blonde female intern, that's all. It's a pity that the plot didn't take a sharp turn. This guy saw the wind and the rudder. Fortunately, he still took this from Stephen's blackmail and continued to run for president.

The story tells this, it can be seen that the progress of human society for thousands of years is only technology, not human nature.

It's a pity that success in the world does not mean a total victory in life. In my opinion, the top, middle and bottom ranks of life are just the opposite of this presidential killing. I don't need to repeat it!

My favorite movie was a few scenes, and it was pierced through the mouth of a female reporter, about who wins the election in the party, even if who is the president, what is the so-called "window paper" to the common people. To put it bluntly, no one in this world turns, and the politicians and their campaigners are essentially as black as crows in the world:

"Or what? The world's gonna fall apart?

It won't matter, not one bit. To the everyday lives to the everyday fuckers, who get up and work, and eat and sleep, go back to work again.

You know if your boy wins, you get a job in the White House. He loses, you're back at a consulting firm on K street.

That's it.

You used to know that before you got all goosebumpy about this guy.

Mike Morris is a politician. He'll let you down, sooner or later. "

So, under any circumstances, don't It is said that only who can make this bizarre world a better place.

Speaking of 10,000 and 10,000, who did not grow up from a little white socks with a plaid shirt just out of school, through various incidents and collisions, like Stephen from an empty and enthusiastic 2B blood youth. It must be known that innocence is by no means naive, and this is by no means advocating all kinds of intrigues in the film, because all of this is just the road and not the end. So, good girls and lads, all you need is to keep adjusting—be mature!

Those who have fantasies will die, and those who are reborn from the ashes are the real top grades. When you have the ability to walk through the turbulence, walk through the thorns with bare feet, swing to the bottom of your life and return, you will find that all the pains and hardships in the past are just a fleeting glimpse of your own richness and integrity.

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The Ides of March quotes

  • [first lines]

    Stephen Meyers: I'm not a Christian. I'm not an Atheist. I'm not Jewish. I'm not Muslim. My religion, what I believe in is called the Constitution of United States of America.

  • Stephen Meyers: I can't find the goddamn polls!