About election-derived stories?

Tiara 2022-04-21 09:01:37

I watched it very seriously, but I always felt that I couldn't understand it. I always watched the movie as a story, and I didn't think enough. The story is about election matters in the United States, not very concerned, in the end a bit strange. The story begins with a team of people working tirelessly to make its central character a successful president. The first scene that stayed in my impression was a handsome and dignified man standing on the stage and giving a speech. He was very temperamental, but I always felt that this person was too good-looking. However, this person is just an audition. The real speaker is someone else, and that person really has quite the temperament as a candidate, which reminds me that Obama's speech seems to be so persuasive. To put it bluntly, this kind of speech is like lobbying, there is a feeling of flickering, when you can fool people, then it is a success. So their team started with education, which seems to be very effective! The focus of the story does not seem to be how to make the candidates win, but about "team", "loyalty", "friends", "ethics" and so on. Shaking but still reflects not enough "loyalty", so it was abandoned. And the people who had been regarded as "friends" before, turned their backs on them and didn't talk about friendship. Then go to the person who digs the wall, and at this time, it is even more ruthless to express the original intention of digging the wall. So the male protagonist is in a tragic and desperate situation that Wanfu points out, so he wants to fight back. The hero and a beautiful intern were secretly together. Once it was discovered that the intern had sex with the governor, that is, the candidate, and became pregnant. What a disadvantage for this candidate. So, he made a quick decision to let the intern kill the child and leave the team. Unfortunately, the intern died later. And this matter was originally for the team, and suddenly became an important weight for himself, and later used to "impress" the governor to make him the core of the team behind and kick the former boss. In the last scene, the male protagonist calmly walks past the "friend" female reporter, saying that they are still friends, but ruthlessly walks away and the female reporter is stopped. I am thinking at this moment that the hero is in a state of growth, or after experiencing some events that make him despair, the hero finally grows up and becomes a better version of himself. No matter how talented he was before, he was lacking in human aspects. What a person needs is all-round development and growth, so why not make the reality crueler?

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The Ides of March quotes

  • [first lines]

    Stephen Meyers: I'm not a Christian. I'm not an Atheist. I'm not Jewish. I'm not Muslim. My religion, what I believe in is called the Constitution of United States of America.

  • Stephen Meyers: I can't find the goddamn polls!