The childishness is a bit ridiculous, and the rookie's shocking reversal! ? ?

Jerel 2022-04-20 09:01:28

Originally, I downloaded this film with the mentality of being bombarded with a series of information like watching "The Godfather". After watching it, I found it to be a very simple and even childish story.

Duffy, the Republican opponent of the highly-promising Democratic presidential candidate Morris, planned a game, pretending to poach the second aide of Morris's camp, Steve, who is our tough protagonist. , If it fails, Paul, Steve's immediate boss and chief aide, will definitely not accept that steve and the enemy are fornicating to kick him out. No matter what the outcome is, Steve will become the victim of this political struggle. However, according to the routine of the male protagonist in the movie, the day before he was fired, Steve knew his girlfriend, a 20-year-old blond intern who had ONS with Morris, and was pregnant with a gun. pregnant. As a diehard Morris fan, even though the loyal dog Steve couldn't accept the downfall of his beloved masculine stalwart image, he was still very loyal to helping Xiao Mo deal with the trouble. As a result, as soon as the crush came back from an abortion, he was told that he was out of the game by T, and it was Xiao Mo's instigation. The two-day change completely subverted Steve's three views. The next thing that added fuel to the flames was that the Lun family didn't want to blackmail Xiao Mo, but Duffy didn't want the Lun family, and he accidentally forced the vase friend to death. The audience watched carefully. I was really forced. So, at the climax of the play, two friends, Xiao Mo and Steve, staged a passionate and passionate confrontation. In the end, the two reached an agreement and kicked out Master Paul from the game. Since then, the husband and wife have both returned home, Bazahei!

In fact, it was a very good subject, so why was it filmed like this? The rhythm of the plot is not well controlled, so that the audience has no sense of substitution at all, and the soundtrack and editing are even less powerful, and the coolness of the undercurrent has not been filmed. Some of them just watched the four good youths finally face the camera with an expressionless face, and threw a wink. This stuff is not irony, this stuff really isn't irony. Would a gifted politician tell his leader after meeting his enemy to discuss job-hopping? I think his brain was kicked by a donkey, is Steve immature or is the American people really naive? At this level, he can still be a second aide. When Morris is president, the American people will be in a very dangerous situation. Some reporters asked you if you were so excited when you met Duffy, and you just called the next family without thinking about it first, and you were completely out of your own way. An extremely powerful little Mo who would rather sacrifice a state's campaign than compromise with a businessman can't control his second child and intern ONS? I really don't believe it. And Steve, who doesn't talk to his boss until he deals with "trouble"? You put in money and effort, but your boss doesn't buy it. In case you are caught by the reporter to accompany the intern to have an abortion, Xiao Mo will just find an excuse to rape you. Wouldn't you turn a blind eye when you encounter this?

Maybe only one sentence in the whole film is true: if you want to be the president, you can do whatever you can, you can brag and cheat, but you must never have sex with an intern! ! ! Perhaps what this film is trying to show us is how politics blacks out idealists and warns that politicians are bragging liars. Even though everyone knows this, we still can't change it. "Black-bellied genius" is always the darling of the Golden Globe Awards. From last year's "Social Network"'s best film to this year's Ides of March Clooney's best actor, people are willing to focus on the contradictory proposition of morality and achievement, in order to see their own shadow in it. But is an exploration of human nature out of tension deep enough? What I saw was just a frown based on a gourd and a scoop. Only the bones have no context, and the whole movie has always made people unable to grasp the "Shen Yun".

The biggest question left by the movie is what Hoffman and Clooney said in the car. Paul has been on the road for so many years and is not a white man. I think that Molly was introduced by Paul. Cool, is this all a game for Xiao Mo to find an excuse for himself, or is Paul coming back to help bring down Steve? I think this is if this film dares to make a second film, it will continue to discuss thing.

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The Ides of March quotes

  • [first lines]

    Stephen Meyers: I'm not a Christian. I'm not an Atheist. I'm not Jewish. I'm not Muslim. My religion, what I believe in is called the Constitution of United States of America.

  • Stephen Meyers: I can't find the goddamn polls!