This Is The Fight Without Fire.

Thora 2022-04-20 09:01:28

Politics is a war without gunpowder.
Only people with real brains can reach the top.
This movie has a lot of feel to it.
It's a mind game.
Let's talk about actors.
Hoffman hasn't shown his face in years.
The last time I was impressed was the movie "Mission Impossible 3" with Tom.
In a blink of an eye, so many years have passed.
Ryan Gosling is a new force.
Recently I watched two of his movies in a row.
One "Drive" and one "The Ides Of March".
The task is well grasped and in place.
And its own style.
George Clooney is still in his old age!
But it's the first time to do this kind of performance.
overall feeling.
The film is left with a good script and good actors.
So there is no evaluation of the shooting angle.
Finally want to say.
The heroine is very beautiful and Bitchen!

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Extended Reading

The Ides of March quotes

  • [first lines]

    Stephen Meyers: I'm not a Christian. I'm not an Atheist. I'm not Jewish. I'm not Muslim. My religion, what I believe in is called the Constitution of United States of America.

  • Stephen Meyers: I can't find the goddamn polls!