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Bartholome 2022-04-20 09:01:28

◎IMDB rating 7.4/10 (13,039 votes) One-

sentence review

Although Clooney delivered a wonderful and good-looking movie. But it should still be said that the film is too commercial. In Venice, it is somewhat out of place.

——The key to the success of the "Guardian"

film lies in the performance of a group of supporting actors, who completely set off the atmosphere of the whole film. Their presence makes the film more convincing.

——The technical professionalism and precision of The Post

allowed Clooney to combine many elements to make this pure, direct and simple film.

-- "The Hollywood Reporter" behind-the-

scenes production

director's self -reported

"President Kill Bureau" adapted from Billu Willemer's play "Farragut North" (Farragut North). When we read the script, Grant Heslov and I were both struck by the beautiful script. Then, in 2007, we started pre-production on the film. At the time, Obama had just been elected president of the United States. Suddenly, it seemed out of place to make such a political film, everyone was looking forward to an Obama administration, so we pushed back the filming date. Just a year later, optimism about Obama faded, so the film found the right time to shoot. It should be said that this is not a film about politics, but about how a young man succeeded at the top, and his success cost him his soul. This is a story about morality in politics.

The soul of this movie is Ryan Gosling, and no one is better suited to the role. Paul Giamatti and Philip Seymour Hoffman also performed well, and their supporting roles made Gosling's performance more convincing. Evan Rachel Wood was the only Molly in my mind, and thankfully she said yes to me. Marisa Tomei's performance is also very good, it can be said that everything she does and every role she plays is perfect. Ada in this movie is no exception. My role in the movie was a ZF officer, and it was the most political role I've ever played.

Politics as a background

Even if he is not in Hollywood, George Clooney is well-known for his enthusiasm for political causes. In addition to actively participating in various political activities, he also actively helped some senators to draw money, and even filmed political themes. The movie "Good Night and Good Luck". He is arguably the most politically active filmmaker in Hollywood, with one poll saying that if the next US president comes from Hollywood, George Clooney will be the president.

A director who is so concerned about politics also had a wariness of politics when filming "The Presidential Killing Bureau". In 2007, Clooney and Grant Heslov worked together to adapt the script for the film, but at that time, Obama's election was successful, and all Americans were immersed in joy, because this was the first black president in American history. , people have optimistic thoughts about him. So Clooney decided to stop making the film and wait until the craze has passed. A year later, it was seen that Obama and his predecessor had not changed in essence, so the optimism of the crowd disappeared, and Clooney took out the script to shoot.

However, Clooney himself does not think this is a "political movie". He said: "Politics is just a background and a stage in this film, and it doesn't play a key role. This story is more about morality and whether a person can face his own soul. .. So adapting the script to Wall Street, or any other setting, would work. I do, however, prefer those extremely powerful people who have the power and strength to do what they want to achieve something immoral Therefore, the political background of the film definitely enhances the grade and taste of the film, because in this environment, people’s choices and performances have the most typical meaning. I think people’s actions in politics are the same as before. , it has been like this since the time of Julius Caesar, and it has not changed until now."

In fact, in Clooney's view, the political nature in the film is only an inevitable content, because the development of American society and the film's The subject matter is related to "politics". "I'm the kind of guy who grew up in the '70s and watched a lot of movies about politics," he said. "Great movies made by great directors about social issue after issue: citizenship, feminism, hippie culture. , anti-war, American dream, etc. I feel that it is necessary for me to make such a film to reflect the current social problems and crux. In the film, I discussed some things such as too much power, political insider, revenge, etc. , of course, I did not give any solution to social problems, because I only want to discuss and show these problems in the film, not to give answers." In order to make this film, George Clooney spent

many times before and after.

It's been 4 years, and I'm still looking for money for the film myself. Because this is not a commercial film that will perform well at the box office, and the subject matter of the film is sensitive, even the production cost of $2 million made Clooney stretched and complained. However, even for only $2 million, Clooney managed to find Ryan Gosling, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Marisa Tomei, Paul Giamatti, Evan Rachel Oscar-level acting team like El Wood.

When talking about how to find these leads, Clooney said: "I was lucky because I had this script that they all wanted to shoot. So, driven by good luck, I got such an incredible script. Many actors have actively and actively asked to join the cast. In the stage of writing the script, we have many ideas for the leading actors, but when we are actually looking for actors, the current actors are almost all ours 1st choice. Especially Ryan Gosling, he's the most positive of all the actors and I can feel the passion that he wants to be in the show. With a cast like this, it's a lot to be a director It's simple, and the fun of creating is gradually revealed. Also, directing these actors to perform is much more fun than doing it myself in front of the camera, which is an unparalleled experience."

Talking about the film and the Of Clooney's collaboration, Ryan Gosling said: "It's really not a political film, it's a thriller in the traditional sense. There's no political allusions or metaphors in the film, politics here is just A setting and a stage. I think the story could take place on Wall Street, Hollywood, or whatever factory. Maybe that's why the story itself is so dramatic. Clooney is a fun guy, he's a day-to-day The work was full, he was acting, revising, directing, producing, raising money, etc. He would play basketball with us during his breaks, etc.” Evan Rachel Wood said: "First of all, I like my character in the film very much, this is a very righteous character, and secondly I also like this thriller with a political flavor, because it is rare to have the opportunity to star in such a theme and partner They're all great movies. I like Clooney a lot, he's a very smart guy. He's also an actor, and he knows where the actor plays himself and where the director's cut is needed to show it. So working with him was easy and easy joy."

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The Ides of March quotes

  • [first lines]

    Stephen Meyers: I'm not a Christian. I'm not an Atheist. I'm not Jewish. I'm not Muslim. My religion, what I believe in is called the Constitution of United States of America.

  • Stephen Meyers: I can't find the goddamn polls!