No gentleman in politics

Berniece 2022-04-19 09:01:37

Steven is a young and outstanding election agent. He led the team to campaign for the current governor Morris. Steven had sex with the intern Jasmine. From this, he learned that Jasmine had been violated by the governor and became pregnant. Steven worried Once the matter is exposed, it will destroy the election, so she secretly arranges for Molly to have an abortion. Unfortunately, Steven once secretly met with a competitor. When Paul finds out, he suspects that Steven is not loyal and fires him. Steven feels betrayed and claims To retaliate against the team run by Paul. At the same time, Molly learned about this and thought that she had a sexual relationship with the governor. The media could not bear the pressure and took poison to kill herself. However, Steven used this trick to blackmail the governor to let He took over from Paul himself and successfully helped Morris get elected president of the United States, but in the end, Steven decided to expose a series of behind-the-scenes deals in the presidential election process, but Steven took advantage of this event for no justice purpose. Push yourself to the position of the candidate...

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Extended Reading

The Ides of March quotes

  • [first lines]

    Stephen Meyers: I'm not a Christian. I'm not an Atheist. I'm not Jewish. I'm not Muslim. My religion, what I believe in is called the Constitution of United States of America.

  • Stephen Meyers: I can't find the goddamn polls!