Politics is a tough game

Ceasar 2022-04-19 09:01:37

After watching George Clooney's self-directed and starred American political film "the ideas of march - Presidential Killing Bureau", I just saw this film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay yesterday. In Hollywood, such topics are actually not new, different stories, always the same dark political camera obscura, so don't talk about politics. No matter what country, what system, what political party, politics is a form and means of control that must exist, and what we see and hear may only be what we need to see and hear. .
In the movie, Philip Seymour Hoffman played the principle of Paul's loyalty, so when he saw stevie meet his opponent Duffy, no matter what the circumstances and reasons, he fired him. He was absolutely loyal to the governor, but In order to hide his own scandal, the governor sacrificed him in the first place without hesitation, no matter how righteous, principled and disciplined he was before. When the intern found out that all this was out of control, she couldn't judge, couldn't face it, she grew up in such a political environment since she was a child, but she didn't want to hurt that person, because no matter how mature she was, she was only a 20-year-old. Girl, as highlighted in the movie, so she sacrificed herself. Duffy is a veteran of this game, so when he found out that his opponent has an absolute talent to face the media, he chose to let the opponent lose even if he can't get it, flattery and lies, whatever, as long as the goal is achieved, it doesn't matter who is sacrificed . Times reporters, in exchange for valuable scoops, can sacrifice their bodies, even if their fiancés know about it. Every character in the movie is a character in this game. If you want to play well, you have to understand that here, there is no loyalty, no friendship, you fucked up, you out. The only constant is interest. Just like the protagonist stevie at the beginning, he thinks that the difference between himself and paul is that he is not for winning, but for what he believes. At this time, he didn't know the rules. When he went through all this, he told reporters with a blank face. Sentence, yes, we are best friends. That's when he really entered the game. Only then can you qualify to play this difficult game. Here I think of the Chongqing WLJ incident that was raging on our Internet in the previous paragraph, and various rumors and speculations. I think the story behind this is no less exciting than any Hollywood political blockbuster. It’s just that we may never know the truth, let alone. Using our imagination to put it on our screen, this is our politics. But anyway, we can watch the American political game in the movie, and then we can make such a conspiracy theory movie when YY is next.
I still remember that Matt Damon in "Time Planning Bureau" also played a young presidential candidate. One of the details impressed me, that is, he said that even the gloss of his leather shoes was passed by the think tank behind him. Fully consider the painstaking grinding to a certain extent, neither too bright nor too old, and it must be properly to the extent that it needs to be presented, in order to best reflect the class he represents. - This is a political, high-difficulty game.

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Extended Reading

The Ides of March quotes

  • [first lines]

    Stephen Meyers: I'm not a Christian. I'm not an Atheist. I'm not Jewish. I'm not Muslim. My religion, what I believe in is called the Constitution of United States of America.

  • Stephen Meyers: I can't find the goddamn polls!