Not just a suspense drama. There are more serious things to say

Yvonne 2022-04-21 09:01:43

It's a really good drama.

The facts part is reasonable. Step by step. The male protagonist's grasp of human nature is really transparent. A person's IQ and emotional intelligence support the entire case handling process. The turning point is Kurt's revelation about the girl dying in the snow. Very general. But the shootout that followed was instantly bloody. It's burning!

I think another mission of the show, which I think is also very important, is to explore the disappearance of Indian women, whose lives are so fragile. The folk customs of the bitter cold land are so fierce. This is really a scary thing.

Equipped with how to face disaster. Losing a child is an eternal pain for parents for the rest of their lives.

Very heavy and sad.

Two last words.

The snow ghillie suit is really handsome.

And the soft words that are frozen for thousands of miles, there is a kind of divinity. I guess it was the lost civilization of the Indian race.

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Wind River quotes

  • Jane Banner: How far do you think someone can run barefoot out here?

    Cory Lambert: Oh, I don't know. How to gauge someone's will to live? Especially in these conditions. But I knew that girl. She was a fighter. So no matter how far you think she ran... I can guarantee you she ran farther.

  • Evan: What the fuck are you doing? Why you flanking me?