American "Ambiguous"

Timmy 2022-04-21 09:01:39

Most of the "ambiguity" of Chinese people is based on the spiritual level, while the old beauty is based on the body. Both theory and practice show that the two cannot be separated, but there are countless films that like to tell about the American-style "ambiguity"; and most of them start and end with a happy ending.

No Strings Attached also fell into this set. Although it was old-fashioned, it also moved the "useless" me.

This film started from 15 years ago when Adam and Emma, ​​the hero and heroine, were in their teens at a summer camp, then a pajama party 10 years ago, and then on the street a year ago, and then began to "act in the present", unfolding. An "ambiguous" relationship that the heroine expects.

After the pajamas party, Emma invited Adam to attend her father's funeral, and introduced Adam's identity as ONSmate to her mother. In the end, I understood her intention. In order to prove her independence and strength, she also declared that she did not need love.

If a pair of men and women can be "ambiguous", they already have a good impression of each other. At worst, they must be squeezed into the "not hate" grade. No one falls in love with someone in the first place, but someone doesn't know who they fall in love with. You are willing to pay, he is willing to accept, come and go, why only "ambiguous". Because of fear! Emma MM intern, a good career. Independent and strong personality. In fact, we all have a soft heart and a kind heart.

The ignorant are fearless, this is what I think of at this moment. Just like the fledgling Siegfried in "The Ring", the king of giants can be stabbed to death with a single sword.

Emma strongly requested, when Adam turned to leave. At this moment, she actually found that the kind Adam "breaks" her tough appearance and walked into her heart. The film then ends with a happy ending.

Well, take courage, first face yourself bravely, we can definitely find our own happiness.

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No Strings Attached quotes

  • Wallace: Look at my face.

  • Eli: [banging his left fist on Adam's door] I can't focus on my porn with all this real sex going on around me!