Minions, meet you again

Noah 2022-04-22 07:01:06

Samsung, okay.

It's hard for the three little yellow people. It's still a bit difficult to support the countertop on them alone. Could it be that I can't move me just by being cute and playing tricks? There was hardly any laughter the whole time. Forced to be funny but not very Coke. I don't know if it will be fun for children to watch?

There was nothing that caught my eye, which is a bit of a pity. Perhaps "Despicable Me" gave me too much shock at the beginning, and I unconsciously had a preset and expectation for this film. From 2010 to the present, after eight years, I still remember the feeling of watching "Despicable Me" for the first time. That feeling of not wanting to stop when you see the beginning. That was the first time I knew that cartoons can be so good, I'm really happy.

There should be a lot of details in the film, but unfortunately I don't have enough knowledge to appreciate it much. One of the little details that strikes me is the love of tea in the UK. Nothing to drink a cup of tea, calmly drink a cup of tea in advance, haha. I have always been curious, the origin of tea is obviously not the United Kingdom, why do British people have a soft spot for tea? So that tea culture can become a symbol of Britain.

One of the things that touched me in the film was that the queen who lost her crown and became a commoner was more elegant in my opinion. I didn't see the embarrassing appearance of the queen. Although the Queen of England has no real power, she is also the Queen after all. Take it, let it go.

The young Gru at the end of the film is cute and cheap, haha.

December 11, 2018 1:23

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Minions quotes

  • Queen Elizabeth II: [beats up Stuart] Gentlemen do not steal ladies' crowns!

  • Scarlett Overkill: DO you know who this is?

    [points at a British Royal portrait]

    Kevin the Minion: Uh... la cucaracha?

    Scarlett Overkill: This is Queen Elizabeth! And I really, really, really want her crown!