Seeing the Sadness of Present Scientific Spirit from Robocop

Doris 2022-04-23 07:01:34

As the main developer of the Robocop program, Dr. Dennett has a lot of scenes in the film, and the film depicts his character is also very distinctive.
He first appeared at the Omnium Foundation Rehabilitation Center, using technology to provide assistance to disabled people and enable them to have normal mobility.
When the president approached him for negotiation, he said something like "We have agreed on this a long time ago, I won't be asked to develop combated application. My work here is driven by own question" It can be seen from this that Dene Dr. Te had previously developed combat programs and used his technology to serve in warfare, but because of his belief he eventually gave up using technology for killing and instead served the rehabilitation of the disabled.
It's a pity that technology is always a double-edged sword, and people with such superb skills are already amazing, but even such amazing people have no control over the use of this technology and its consequences.
The president first affirmed and praised his technology, and then said, "I have found a research fund that can bring you very considerable research funds, and can save thousands of lives." Faced with such a problem, it seems that it should not be There is any hesitation, because a project can have a lot of funding to maintain research and save many people's lives, no matter what kind of scientific researcher will not refuse. What's more, from the front of the film, this doctor is a relatively honest doctor. What if this persuasion is not true? If there is no motive for this persuasion? In my opinion, the first half of this persuasive sentence is what attracts the film and the real world, and the second half is mostly a good word (a lie, to put it bluntly).
Although we can say that the emergence of Robocop stopped crime, abolished the bill to allow artificial intelligence to assist in management, saved many lives, and so on. However, we need to understand that this is a company that lives not to save lives, but to make high profits. Just as researchers want to develop technology, they also need a source of funds. Many people would say that they must have their own beliefs. On the one hand, they must obtain the correct source of funds to do things that are beneficial to human society. But don't forget, even if you think that the doctor in the film generally has his own beliefs, you will still be fooled. Because for the president, Robocop is just a tool to make people recognize the tool of robot law enforcement.
In the film, during the research and development process, Dr. step by step, at the request and instigation of the president, he made a moral borderline, canceling the emotional cognitive influence of the Robocop in combat, and reducing the hormones such as dopamine in his body that affect emotions. , refusing to let Robocop meet his family, etc. In the end, when the president wanted to get rid of RoboCop, he only agreed after ten years of research funding, the right to form his own team, and the highest compensation from the cops' families. In the movie, we can understand that he is a delayer, but we all know that - this is a movie. What about the real world?
Capital is above technology. Even the most skilled person has to be driven by technology. The spirit of science is often trampled by capital. From this point of view, it is not surprising that China's current "brick family", "called beast" and so-called "academicians".

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RoboCop quotes

  • John Lake: You got something on us? Or is this personal?

    Alex Murphy: No, it's nothing personal. Although, I don't like you as a person.

  • David Murphy: I saved all the Red Wings games on my computer.

    Alex Murphy: You did? How'd they do?

    David Murphy: I don't know. I've been waiting to watch them with you.