Thinking about the relationship between artificial intelligence and people

Herminio 2022-04-23 07:01:34

Wait for the wind_Film
review Robocop 2014-03-09 23:38:41| Category: I see the world| Label: |Report|Font size large, medium and small
subscription This afternoon I went to the cinema to watch the recently released popular movie "Robot Warfare" police". Below is a brief description of my own thoughts on this film. First of all, from the nature of the film, this is a typical American Hollywood blockbuster. The plot is compact, the pictures are explosive, and the technology is full of sense. After watching this film, if you pay attention to the scenes and sound effects, then it is a big meal after a lot of investment, but I think the film is much more than that. It can also bring us a lot of thinking - about the relationship between humans and machines, about the development of human beings, about human nature, money, politics, etc. It can be said that many aspects can arouse our deep thinking, I think this is a blockbuster It's different from normal soap operas. So let’s talk about the biggest difference between humans and machines. There is no doubt that humans have human nature and emotions. Since humans have emotions, there must be positive and negative aspects. People have justice and conscience. Of course, if there is good, there will be evil, and if there is good, there will be bad. This is the nature of the unity of opposites. In the whole film, too many conflicts are reflected, such as the technology that will be discussed below. Development: With the development of human society and the advancement of science and technology, at first technology greatly improved our lives, increased our efficiency, and our sense of happiness naturally increased with express delivery, but later we gradually discovered that technology is also a A double-edged sword, just as people have invented nuclear technology, nuclear power can bring light and warmth to our world, but the accident of the Chernobyl nuclear accident seems to have only happened yesterday, and what is more, human beings have invented atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs. destroy each other.

The development of robotics is no exception. The film brings us a revelation and thinking, that is, with the advancement of robotics, how can we coordinate the relationship between humans and machines? Robots are undoubtedly in our traditional impression. The incarnation of cold steel, they are not emotionally ruthless, but simply execute the program programmed by the programmer. Of course, there are also some science fiction films that have discussed when the intelligence of robots develops to a certain level, that is, the conflict between artificial intelligence and human intelligence. Of course it's not a science fiction movie. There is no further in-depth exploration of this aspect, but the film chose a very clever theme, that is, when a robot is a combination of half machine and half human, how should people view it?

Speaking of artificial intelligence, the following comes to mind. The development of human science and technology day by day can be said to be developing rapidly. However, just as our material civilization is moving towards great abundance, there are also some different voices, that is, is technology an effective (and only) means to solve the dilemma of human development?

Let's talk about the topic of social reality again. I think a good way in American blockbusters is to express the dark side of society in a humorous way.

Let's talk about the design of the storyline. In the whole story, everyone's character is very distinct. This can't help but remind me of a point mentioned in political economy: everyone has a class, whether it is Alex's wife, she certainly wants her husband to return to her side normally, together Live a happy family life. It is still the doctor who built the Robocop. His idea is very simple: the research of science and technology (promoting the progress of mankind). Or the arms dealer represented by the CEO of OmniCorp. No matter how high-sounding their purpose is (for the tranquility and peace of Detroit, the entire United States, and even the entire planet). Their purpose is nothing more than one - more and more money. Whether it is the expression of the views of members of the U.S. Senate House of Representatives, or the different attitudes of ordinary people to Robocop. Every class has its own demands. You can't simply say who is right and who is wrong. Because they each represent their own interests.

Of course, it is also very cleverly expressed in this film, one of the unspoken rules of today's American society is elite politics. Most of the American people, the so-called public opinion, can actually be manipulated. And this is still in the so-called fair, just, democratic and open America. As for the great Celestial Dynasty, let alone.

The scene of the whole story is very complete. It's full of battles between good and evil. The conflict and contradiction between family and career, whether you are a fan of American blockbusters or a thinker of humanistic concerns, I think this is a movie worth watching for 2 hours in the cinema.

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RoboCop quotes

  • John Lake: You got something on us? Or is this personal?

    Alex Murphy: No, it's nothing personal. Although, I don't like you as a person.

  • David Murphy: I saved all the Red Wings games on my computer.

    Alex Murphy: You did? How'd they do?

    David Murphy: I don't know. I've been waiting to watch them with you.