Robocop 10 Years Reborn 8.1/10

Easter 2022-04-22 07:01:05

When it comes to machines, about people
- bullshit -
mentioning "heroes", I think a lot of people can have a few faces in their minds, especially the absolute vividness of the various superheroes in American blockbusters. For me, the memory of "hero" is a policeman who only shows his chin (←_← sounds like a small bat?), has a round head and a round head, walks loudly, and squeaks when he twists his neck. A machine that has a unique Western cowboy style with its guns, and a person. That's right, Robocop. The last part of the Robocop trilogy was released in 1991. I watched it in 2003. At that time, I was only a few years old. There was no Internet, and even DVDs were not popular. My father often treated me to the video store downstairs. Rent a disc, so I picked a Robocop, and then had a dream of Robocop for a while... When I grew up a little, these memories also faded with time, but fortunately, the current I still have those fantasies.

One day last year, I saw Robocop's box on my mobile phone, and I was looking forward to it until it was released. I originally booked a ticket last Saturday to watch it the next day. I didn't expect that there was a 301 terrorist attack that night. Just on the road in Beijing, I didn't sleep for almost one night and kept paying attention, and I didn't go the next day for safety reasons. But I finally went to see it today, and it finally got my wish. Due to the 301 Incident, this movie viewing is also a special experience. At the same time, because not only a good location was booked, but also because there were so few people that it was almost a reserved venue, the entire viewing process was also very smooth.

- Film review -
After all, it has been 10 years, and the memory of the old version of the trilogy is just like Robocop, so I also treat this film as a new movie.
I won't talk about the plot here, but there are spoilers
• In terms of the impression of the whole film, not procrastination and in-depth should be the main features. The explanation of the film is reasonable and fast. The only shortcoming may be that the substitution time is long. The whole film feels that the climax is scattered. The use of elements is weak, but the overall coordination is still excellent. At the same time, the neat plot explanation also makes people less time to think. Although many things are self-evident, the reaction time for the audience is too short... (even the girl behind me often discusses with her boyfriend from time to time) This is one of the shortcomings .
• Special effects and soundtrack. The special effects are full of technology, and the scientific and technological sense of the laboratory, dreamland and other scenes is definitely unsatisfactory, but when it comes to outdoor scenes... everything is not like the future of advanced technology, everything is fine with the present, which leads to even a little out of tune (you say technology Lama has developed, and overseas deployments have been replaced by robots. Why is the American police still in the same uniform? In addition to the ultra-high computer and large display screen in the office environment, you can tell me where there is a sense of the future, and even the scenery of the police station and the The feature films around 2009 are almost the same. The director’s future city is really not reflected by the appearance of several mobile phones with transparent screens. The difference between the creation of a sense of technology and "I, Robot" is really not a little bit.) Fortunately, in the middle and later stages of the film The rain lighting at night is more atmospheric, and it's a little bit better... By the way, apart from gunfights and explosions, the most obvious manifestation of the improvement in special effects is the two-legged robot in the old version (sorry, I can't remember the model) , finally changed the quality of the second-hand goods in the previous version, and finally moved without dropping frames, which is gratifying. In terms of the soundtrack, the warm place is still warm, the battle is still fierce, it is barely good, but it is not lost, but the sound of gunfire and explosions can definitely make people's blood boil. give a like.
• The so-called hero. Robocop should be one of the representatives of American imperialism's personal heroism, which is the case in the little trilogy, but in today's popularity of various superhero-themed movies, many heroes have been "weakened" to varying degrees. The film is no exception. This hero is full of flaws, but in summary, he is too emotional, so much so that he left a bunch of messes for a bunch of people to clean up. Although a strong sense of justice is wirelessly close to the truth, it can only be unsuccessful in the end. In the end, it is not the story of the hero saving the world, but the story of the hero being suppressed or even buried by the world.
•human nature. In the film, the contradiction between human nature and machine, human nature and law enforcement is pointed out sharply, and it is constantly deepened and discussed through Robocops. The stronger the law enforcement force, the more human nature will be lost. How much forgiveness do we need for sin? How much humanity does it take to deal with the evil that we hate so much? These realistic and unanswerable questions will always entangle the viewers, and the film does not give practical answers, which is a smart approach.
•politics. To be honest, this is not a sci-fi film that is "harmless to humans and animals". The robot is just an introduction. The protagonist is always a human. Criminals seek profits and collude with the police station. Politicians promote products, scientists rely on businessmen for scientific research, deceive victims, victims find the truth but are killed by invisible rights, journalists flatter both sides... Such stories constitute a new Robocop. Greedy, hypocritical, and ignorant people have jointly performed a farce. Everything starts and ends for profit. The film also interspersed with many small "reversed plots". The title seems to be the media that restores the truth, but it is just fanning the flames. It seems that the aggressive robot opposes the legislator. In fact, it seems that the justice Ling Ran is actually full of blood. Vengeance outweighs reason...although these shifts that don't exist as primary clues are truly ironic.
• The most impressive part of the film must belong to the doctor, a good man who wants to use robots to benefit mankind. He saved Murphy and created Robocop. He was also happy when Murphy was reborn. Robocop is constantly exploring the meaning of human nature. Compromise before scientific research funding (perhaps this is the fate of most scientific researchers), the businessman's plan succeeded, and everything was irreversible. When he regretted the most, he was misunderstood, and was he forgiven? The film does not answer, but in my opinion, he is still a good person, even if he has compromised for some interests, he is still good, the film gives an open answer to his ending, but considering the film as a whole, the good person is the best. The good ending is just a return to obscurity and drowning in the sea.
•Murphy's story is largely dominated by the doctor, with strong emotions as the main line. When the little person comes into contact with the high-level conspiracy, his sense of powerlessness is exaggerated. He used to be the person closest to the truth, and in the end he just tasted it. The only 1 second truth. At the end of the film, Robocop got rid of the black armor, and Bo Shi put it back on the silver armor. Isn't this silver armor a symbol of the eternal contract of kindness, justice and humanity? It's just that the hero is no more, and to live a normal life, this armor can only be regarded as a burden that can never be abandoned for life. For ordinary people, it is too heavy, while for heroes, the armor just symbolizes burial.

- No more heroes -
The new version of RoboCop is not a simple continuation or a solemn rebirth, it is just a short-lived flash in the passing heroes at the right time, and then the hope is put to sleep. From silver to black, from black to silver, the film makes the hero return, evolve, and then bury it, almost a complete subversion and whining of personal heroism. This is a heavy work, describing the greed on the other side of the world that cannot be seen. What the people see is not the truth. The truth is that the people have always lived under the dark cloud of being concealed, covered up and deceived by more upper-level powers. Manipulated under the dark cloud, controlled, deceived to gain trust, brainwashed. Ordinary people can't realize the existence of dark clouds, and some people almost break through the dark clouds, or they will come back without success, but think about it again, if the dark clouds are broken through, the final result will only be the sky falling.

Robocop is the embodiment of justice, and it is the hope of many ordinary people for justice, which is strong and full of loopholes. Justice based on uncontrollable emotions will always spread endlessly like anger and eventually consume itself. Justice is only a flash in the pan, and no amount of force can break the chaotic order. What do people really want? What does Robocop want? Is it the pleasure of punishing evil and promoting good to blow off the head of a criminal? No, all the hard pursuit is just the word order.

The end of the film also expresses the heart-wrenching reality that justice is no more and good is not rewarded. Even if the invisible sin is stabbed by justice, those who slip through the net will still make up for it seamlessly, sad and helpless. The new Robocop was just a two-hour dream, a dream spent in justice and memory, and then woke up, the movie ended, and faced this hopeless world.

The anchor at the end said "America will always be the most powerful country in the world no matter what" and the rising American flag made many moviegoers in an uproar, but what about the reality? The movie unearths all the evils that show real existence. Is it self-contradictory? Obviously this is the biggest irony of the whole film, and perhaps the biggest meaning of Robocop's rebirth. All countries have their own great power dreams, but how can they be realized? I think just relying on verbal deceit and brainwashing people and self is obviously quite a fool's behavior. Evasion is not the way. Lifting the dark clouds and facing the scars is the choice. But how can such an enlightenment be carried out? The establishment of order is always a more thorny issue than anticorruption: the so-called corruption is against the destruction of the party and the destruction of the country. In order to build an order, all nations need to be established, and if it is not established, the nation will be destroyed.

After all, what is the inspiration for the film to ordinary people? Last line before taking off the black armor: "Everything will be okay" - "Everything will be okay".

For the status quo of dissatisfaction, waiting is always more cost-effective than brainless resistance, but how far is "wil"? No one knows, but I hope it's not too far,

- one sentence -
• one sentence movie review: rebirth is only to awaken the paralysis of some people

• one sentence insight: maybe for law enforcement, only 2% of human nature is needed, but for life, human nature is 100% indispensable.
everything will be fine

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Extended Reading

RoboCop quotes

  • John Lake: You got something on us? Or is this personal?

    Alex Murphy: No, it's nothing personal. Although, I don't like you as a person.

  • David Murphy: I saved all the Red Wings games on my computer.

    Alex Murphy: You did? How'd they do?

    David Murphy: I don't know. I've been waiting to watch them with you.