tragic hero

Isobel 2022-04-22 07:01:05

The glorious image of Robocop still remains in my childhood memory. The cops at that time were like gods in my mind. There was no word "cool" at that time, and I couldn't find a suitable one. adjectives to describe him. However, this glorious image did not come into people's attention again until this year. Compared with other "heroes" in Hollywood, the policemen are obviously a bit late this time. Facing the "equipment" of many heroes in Hollywood today, it is even more difficult for the police to win the applause of the audience once again. There is Iron Man's powerful and perfect armor in the front, Batman's handsome chariot in the back, and the rise of the combination of Transformers. It is not enough for a mere "Iron Man" to stand among them. Pity in his heart, he was the tall hero in his mind back then!
I can't remember the plot of the first part, so I just don't think about it, so I treat the second part as a separate part. The story is not too different from other main theme comic hero films, there is no bright spot, maybe it is to respect the original work. But I think the highlight of this drama is the characters of the cops. A man who was already melancholy went through a lot of injustices, making him even more melancholy and deep. Facing the situation where his body is only left with his brain, heart, lungs and one hand, I think anyone will collapse. Dropped, this scene was once frightening, and the heavy taste index can really reach 5 stars. It is a very sad thing to face one's wife and children with such a body, which makes the character of the cop even more melancholy and pathetic, which is the biggest difference from other heroes.
The battle after the transformation is actually not very bright, because the audience is obviously lethargic to the police after the bombing of equipment like Iron Man, and it is the same special effects. The key point here is that the special effects of this film are not so detailed, and there are many loopholes that can be found. For example, the most repeated scene is the moment when the police opened the door before he died. If you just pay attention to the center of the explosion, you will not find anything. However, if you carefully observe the surrounding environment of the explosion, you will find that the branches are still so quiet and the glass is not broken. This is very inconsistent with physical common sense. Such a big explosion may break the glass within a radius of several kilometers, not to mention the glass next to it. Woolen cloth? There are several places in this film that are not sufficiently detailed special effects. Maybe such special effects would have been more popular 10 years ago.
In fact, after watching this film, I always feel that many places are shown in a hurry. I feel that the director has a lot to say, but it is just a little bit. Personally, I think this film is very suitable to be made into an American drama, so that from the perspective of the characters, more highlights can be discovered. This is actually a tragic hero. There are many tragic stories behind every tragic hero, and these stories are like cucumbers in a table of meat dishes, which will make people feel addicted.

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RoboCop quotes

  • John Lake: You got something on us? Or is this personal?

    Alex Murphy: No, it's nothing personal. Although, I don't like you as a person.

  • David Murphy: I saved all the Red Wings games on my computer.

    Alex Murphy: You did? How'd they do?

    David Murphy: I don't know. I've been waiting to watch them with you.