Another disaster after Total Recall.

Anita 2022-04-22 07:01:05

After watching the film, I found out that Director SHIELD was just a mouthpiece, and when the end of the film depended on his mouthpiece, my bad experience came to an end. This is the second disaster I've encountered since the "Total Recall" remake.

Looking at the cast, you can see that the producers wanted to shape the film according to the model of "Batman Origins", and all the stars gave a newcomer a supporting role. The result is really a tiger can't be an anti-dog, not to mention that Bell was already a little famous at that time. , and the protagonist of this film is too dry, and is completely robbed by the surrounding characters. The final ending is not as good as the Thunder and Moonlight in "Metal Gear 5".

It's a good idea to remake a classic, but after the remake, it is not easy to eliminate all the advantages of the old work. In the old work, the protagonist's amnesia and the betrayal of his partner made the film full of suspense. It also satirized the collusion between the police and big companies and criminals. The final confrontation with the biped robot was very exciting. As for this film, first of all let the protagonist retain memory, which can be changed, but the later plot will serve this purpose. As a result, the film remembers it because humans cannot defeat machines. In fact, it is not memory, but dopamine. It’s just a decrease in secretion. As a brain science researcher, a decrease in dopamine secretion cannot affect memory. In other words, this is not in conflict with the company's purpose. After all, you can't put a pure robot on the streets of the United States. Just because people are a few seconds slower than machines, they decided to obliterate human feelings?

This can be said to be the part of the film. You must know that in the old work, Robocop appeared as an epoch-making product. Before him, even humanoid robots did not exist. The appearance of the type robot disrupted the freshness and impact of Robocop, and it did not achieve the old-fashioned trend of man defeating the machine. In addition, the new work does not retain the western gun-shooting action that should be retained, or there is no tribute or extension, which is very bad, it is like removing Superman's cape. Only the music from the old work was used.

There are actually a lot of things that this film wants to express. The scene in Tehran and the discussion of drones at the beginning are very close to the real world. Unfortunately, it has become a police and bandit film later, and it is supported by the mouth cannon of Director SHIELD. Plus, it's 2014, and a kid playing with an advanced screen can't laugh when he sees his father turned into a cool cop. However, this film makes the children behave as if they have seen the disfigurement of the protagonist.

Of course, this film also has advantages, that is, the mechanical settings, the robot and the bipedal settings are good, basically the level of "Iron Man". This film also saw a lot of brain science maps and technologies. To be honest, this is my vision for the future, especially when it comes to exploring the guitar, which involves the control and coordination of muscles by the motor cortex. Unfortunately, it is estimated that it cannot be done within a few decades. , it is not so easy to put a chip on the brain.

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RoboCop quotes

  • John Lake: You got something on us? Or is this personal?

    Alex Murphy: No, it's nothing personal. Although, I don't like you as a person.

  • David Murphy: I saved all the Red Wings games on my computer.

    Alex Murphy: You did? How'd they do?

    David Murphy: I don't know. I've been waiting to watch them with you.