The theme of this film is superior

Iliana 2022-04-21 09:01:38

After reading a few reviews, most of them discussed some endings, but did not say the main idea of ​​the movie.
In fact, the plot of the movie is very simple and smooth, and it is not obsessed with laughs, big action scenes, etc. Several fights are simply and neatly led, and there is no effort to show the back-and-forth battle between good and evil, because these are not the main points of the director or screenwriter. Thought.
I think what the movie really wants to express is the topic that the host said at the beginning. Should we hand over the safety of human beings to cold robots?
From the film, I read that the director is anti-robot, because the film ruthlessly exposes the nature of capitalists who are merciless! The company's top management has been trying to convince lawmakers and the public that they approve of the robot's motion, and the safety and efficiency of the mouth is a hypocritical slogan. For the purpose, they persuaded the heroine in many ways to agree to the operation. Note that this is persuasion, not negotiation, but sales. Anyone who has done sales work should understand the derogatory connotation of the word sales, which is extremely offensive. And all that the executives do is just to make money. In order to make money, he did not hesitate to change the program by breaking the law, changing the person who started to control the machine, and secretly changing it to a machine to deceive people. When the protagonist's machine identity first appeared, the doctor did not hesitate to remove the protagonist's emotions and change the protagonist's program instructions. The most shameless one is that from beginning to end, the autonomy of the protagonist has always been controlled by the doctor, and the protagonist is still just a robot stuffed into a pile of rotten meat.
In order to lure the support of the public, the false appearance of catering to the public has been made many times. This kind of deception is more serious than the naked fraud. Because they secretly changed the dislike of the people into liking, not only the protagonist is controlled by the capitalists, but also the public opinion is held hostage by them. This is the top priority.
This film gave me the most direct view of the real side of our daily lives that we don't perceive: how much of what we see and hear every day is what other people want us to see, not the truth. Since I was a child, I felt that I was living in a society full of lies. Of course, this does not mean that I want to accuse the society of anything. On the contrary, I agree with this world of lies. Because I know that since human beings have classes or rich and poor, lies have been maintaining the development of society.
Yes, it is the lies that keep society going. This is also my opinion that robots will never, at least for hundreds of years, be an important part of human society.
There is a scene in the film that proves my point.
After the protagonist was about to kill the director and the power was cut off, high-level internal officials discussed the scene. The high-level officials of those countries opposed the passage of the bill. What they were worried about was not really for the country and the people, but for the most selfish purpose. They were worried that cold and ruthless robots would set foot in Investigate corruption. What's even more ironic is that the top executives of the company who have been desperately pushing the bill to pass, want to kill the protagonist, the most direct reason is because they are worried that the protagonist will expose them.
This film whipped the so-called high-level, so-called noble slogans into blood. Yes, whether it is a senior state official or a company executive, their own interests are always the first in their hearts, even the protagonist wearing the protagonist halo is no exception. His first step in taking the initiative was also his own murder, not the critical murder that was taking place at the time.
I didn't deliberately spread pessimism, but just stated that the objective reality is myself. When thinking about problems, I give priority to maximizing my own interests. Of course, because I have read a few books, maximizing interests is not against moral ethics. under the premise.
At the end of the film, it still achieves a perfect ending under the maximum balance of the interests of each and every class.

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RoboCop quotes

  • John Lake: You got something on us? Or is this personal?

    Alex Murphy: No, it's nothing personal. Although, I don't like you as a person.

  • David Murphy: I saved all the Red Wings games on my computer.

    Alex Murphy: You did? How'd they do?

    David Murphy: I don't know. I've been waiting to watch them with you.