In the past, machines came first, and the police came after. In modern times, we must put people first.

Cale 2022-04-20 09:01:29

The instructor in the movie also said the same thing as Chairman Mao: it is people who decide the war, not one or two new weapons.

After many years, robot technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the world police, the United States, has achieved world peace with this thing. Of course, the American soldiers have been replaced by robots, and Americans no longer have to worry about the casualty rate!

So the world is peaceful, and the most chaotic is the United States, because the American people are not willing to suppress the robots they produce, oh, no, it should be said to be management...

After seeing the robot army ruthlessly slaughtering children After the live TV, there are even more excuses.

The CEO of the company has a headache because he can't open the US market. After thinking hard, he comes up with a plan.

Don't you dislike the inhumanity of cold computers and CPUs? I will put the person into the machine to do the CPU!

They did what they thought, so they chose the person who blew the bomb to pieces, leaving only the face, brain and lungs, and stuffed it into the machine.

Then the problem came. Scientists found that this person was really not good at being a CPU. Not only is the response a few beats slower than the machine, but it is also easy to crash. This is much harder to serve than a CPU. The CPU at most I will spend more electricity to turn down the air conditioner. This person, when he sees a beautiful woman, gets emotional and crashes. Seeing the crime scene, emotional, dead. Seeing that the child is unhappy, depressed, more troublesome, runaway...

So scientists have to smack and smack the other side, and they're all smashed...

You will find that the perfect Robocop has appeared.

It's a pity that the scientist who is obsessed with his career ignores the power of his wife and makes you cry, make trouble and hang

himself. In the end, the CPU is considered a complete adult. The three laws of robots can't control him. In the end, the highest order couldn't stop him from shooting...

From the plot of this movie, we found that, indeed, people are unreliable. Only machines that accept instructions can be trusted. At the end of the final battle, as long as the invading policeman does not draw their guns, the robot will not shoot him, and even let go of the number one target.

Judging from the meaning of the film, it seems that the director wants to express that people are not cold machines, and people cannot rely on them. The machine means that. It's actually kind of weird in terms of the plot.

The RoboCop we loved to watch when we were kids was his invulnerable mechanical body, mechanized voice, and his powerful combat power with the help of a computer.

In the new version, the director talks too much about people, human nature, family, etc. In fact, it still looks a little awkward.

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Extended Reading

RoboCop quotes

  • John Lake: You got something on us? Or is this personal?

    Alex Murphy: No, it's nothing personal. Although, I don't like you as a person.

  • David Murphy: I saved all the Red Wings games on my computer.

    Alex Murphy: You did? How'd they do?

    David Murphy: I don't know. I've been waiting to watch them with you.