Let man do what man do - Review of Robocop

Ken 2022-04-20 09:01:29

The biggest attraction of this film to me comes from the director Jose? Padilla, whose masterpiece, the two "Elite Forces", which describe the struggle between the Brazilian special police force and the drug lord gangster and corrupt officials, made me worship. The documentary-like realistic lens language makes the director's work bear a strong personal imprint. Not only is the style of the picture sharp, but the director's direct exposition and exposure of social phenomena in the film, as well as his thinking and discussion of human nature and institutions, are all thought-provoking and memorable.

As a result, in this new version of "Robocop", a remake of a classic comic, the director also integrated social themes into traditional superhero movies. But in Hollywood, the more resources you have, the more shackles you have. The director has the intention to sublimate this commercialized work to the theme of socialization. In the promotion of the whole story, the social influence and the reaction of the masses corresponding to reality are reflected everywhere, but in the process of transformation and laying, it still shows a little lack of control. Therefore, he fell into an embarrassing dilemma that both sides were not thankful for.

The male protagonist, police officer Murphy, was bombed by gangsters in retaliation while investigating a crime, and he was completely shattered and survived. OmniCorp, which is committed to the development and production of military robots, seized this opportunity and spent a lot of money to transform it into a super soldier with a human brain and a mechanical body, only to finally achieve the profit goal of the company that is allowed to use robot law enforcement in the United States. Robocop showed his skills in fighting crime, but his inherent controversy and individual characteristics gradually pushed him into a desperate situation to survive...

The character image of the male protagonist in this film is basically similar . Nolan Batman is on his way, with the same powerful abilities, but also the same confusion and loneliness. In the process of fighting crime, punishing evil and promoting good, he wanders in the torture of human morality, and the collision of rationality and emotion. But Joel Kinnaman, who plays the male protagonist, has a more general performance in the film, and is far from Christian Bale in terms of image and temperament.

Since it is an adaptation of a superhero comic, the action scene must be the focus of the audience's enthusiasm. Among the many gunfight scenes in this film, my personal favorite is the first scene in which the intelligent robot and its instructors fight in the warehouse. The rapid switching of a large number of subjective shooting perspective shots makes the viewers feel like they are instantly in a real CS battle, filled with gunpowder smoke and immersive. The melodious classical background music is interspersed with the fierce gunfights, and this dramatic contrast also adds a lot to the section. As for the two action scenes in which Murphy broke into the gangster's lair for revenge, and entered the OmniCorp company alone, the director's completion was relatively average, and the brilliance was greatly reduced, which seemed to be hastily.

The guest news host of Director S.H.I.E.L.D. is a staunch supporter of law enforcement officers who advocate the use of robots. A series of words and deeds not only satirized the collusion of media politics in today's reality, but also highlighted the explosive power of information public opinion.

Should human beings use intelligent robots with independent thinking? ——This debate actually has a long history in reality. As early as 1940, the "Three Principles of Robots" proposed by science fiction writer Asimov took the lead in providing a reference direction for this.
Rule 1: Robots must not harm humans.
Rule 2: Robots must obey orders from humans, unless this order contradicts Rule 1.
Item 3: Robots must protect themselves, unless such protection contradicts the above two items.

Going back to the question itself, the most critical core is whether human beings can accept and hand over their own life decisions to another type of population that is separated from the human system. The biggest advantage of robot enforcers is their super-powerful action, absolutely rational analysis and judgment, and unselfishness. However, once a third-party population with such lethal lethality becomes dysfunctional or falls into the control of bad guys, the consequences will be unimaginable. Although traditional human law enforcement officers are not as effective as robots, and are also limited by the emotional thinking of human beings, after all, only humans know how to communicate with humans better.

Let man do what man do . Let people do what should be done only by people.

Writing here, I suddenly thought of the plot in "Journey to the West". The spar left behind by Nuwa Patching the Sky created Sun Wukong, a special case of being separated from the Three Realms and the Five Elements. His powerful personal ability and completely independent personality also doomed him to a tragic end from the very beginning. The literary treatment of "Journey to the West" is relatively mild, and although it has not been destroyed, Wukong has only become a helper prop for the Tang monk on his way to the West. After the confinement spell, there are no more great saints in the world. (This paragraph is a bit off topic, let’s not delete it for the time being, let’s take a few notes)

Postscript - Sony Columbia has provided 2D, 3D and IMAX2D distribution formats for mainland China this time, but the effect of the ordinary 3D version converted later this time is really pretty I don't need to say more, you should have experienced it yourself. Even if the film is covered with a broken 3D coat, in the current Chinese market, there is still a considerable direct income increase. If you have to pay more, the cinema is naturally happy to have more rows. However, this strategy of killing the chicken and taking the egg destroys the audience's long-term impression and vision of the film and the producer. The intangible value depends on how the authorities weigh the trade-offs.

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RoboCop quotes

  • John Lake: You got something on us? Or is this personal?

    Alex Murphy: No, it's nothing personal. Although, I don't like you as a person.

  • David Murphy: I saved all the Red Wings games on my computer.

    Alex Murphy: You did? How'd they do?

    David Murphy: I don't know. I've been waiting to watch them with you.