More terrifying than machines are humans

Leonor 2022-04-19 09:01:37

When he was reborn, he was no longer the Alex of the past, to be precise, he was a robot with Alex's memories. Humanity wants a war machine, but also wants it to be human. A war with humanity is doomed to fail.

There is a dialogue in the film, the female lawyer said: You used a legal loophole to create a machine that thought it was a human, but it was illegal. The CEO denies, saying, it's a machine that thinks it's Alex, which is legitimate.

Machines don't lie, but humans do. They will create a hero and they will destroy a hero.

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RoboCop quotes

  • John Lake: You got something on us? Or is this personal?

    Alex Murphy: No, it's nothing personal. Although, I don't like you as a person.

  • David Murphy: I saved all the Red Wings games on my computer.

    Alex Murphy: You did? How'd they do?

    David Murphy: I don't know. I've been waiting to watch them with you.