Defend your family on your own

Thalia 2022-04-19 09:01:37

It is one of the few good-looking sci-fi films. I didn't expect much when I first watched it. After all, the subject matter is very old, but I was really pleasantly surprised after watching it, far exceeding my expectations.

There are some slight plots in this article.

What really touched me was the brilliance of human nature in it. I remember a woman in a big company in the film said something like "Does he have a soul?" Wrong, it is this kind of soul that allows us to see some hope and warmth in this bleak future society that is fooled by the media, fooled by the government, and controlled by the fate of big financial groups and large companies.

At the beginning of the film, the story was started in the form of a media program. This kind of talk show, which is very popular in the United States, shows us the power of the media. It is true that everything can be said and everything can be fooled. At the end of the film is the same The end of the media program allows us to see the kind of ending that the "government, big companies" want us to see. However, the audience who already know the truth has a clear view of the tricks of the media to play with public opinion at this time. This stark contrast between "real facts" and "facts reported by the media" is really ironic and enjoyable to watch! Formally speaking, the beginning and the end are all media programs, as if the whole story is just playing with the media.

In addition, what impresses me about the film is that the government, enterprises, media, and laws are all bribed. After public opinion is fooled, the protagonist protects his family by his own strength. It is rare, but it is very meaningful for China in its awakening. In the past, my view of personal heroism was actually very narrow. I just thought that a person was right and did it. It was a little arrogant, but today, as a As an adult who started to work and pay taxes, I understood that this kind of personal heroism is not just about "personal arrogance", but more about the helplessness of individual characters in the face of absolute power, and "only when everyone has the courage to stand up." Only when you stand up against injustice and defend your own interests can true justice be served.” Such stories, such personal heroism, shattered the daydream that a rotten government could turn itself around! !

I really want to compare this kind of film with "Avatar". Avatar is clearly an inspirational film for a nail-biter to protest against unreasonable forced demolition! In the face of the seizure of the property of his ancestors, even the primitive weapons rose up to resist! Think about our nonsense 70-year property rights, the highways that we paid taxes to build but still charge us tolls, our homes were arbitrarily demolished by the collusion of officials and businessmen, our law enforcement agencies were arbitrarily bought off, and the Americans gave us courage to defeat evil one by one. , a version of the story of individuals overcoming power!

Although it is said that the film itself is satirizing the American media, it is actually controlled by various types of corporate capitalists who regard profit as their ultimate goal. I have to say that several of the scenes still make me feel that we are still far behind The bad guys in the company saw the protagonist's wife's public concern about the media. If this is in China, there is no need to worry about it like this. You can suppress the negative news with a little bit of management. The other is this media program, although It is obviously a mouthpiece controlled by interest groups, but even so, guests with different opinions will be invited to debate in public. This critical thinking consciousness has been deeply imprinted in the impression of Americans, even if they do bad things. In this circle of "everyone has the right to speak", it is both ridiculous and cute, but also frightening, how can we follow such a "advocate to respect individuals, admit that their government is corrupt and incompetent and satirize, and expose the dark side of society, only Human brilliance and courage are worth relying on” such value groups to compete? All we can do is keep up!

In addition, Nima satirizes China's world factory, and even Nima robocop is made in China, is it too cruel? Just because our labor costs are low? Nima, Transformers are all made in China! !

The weak point of the film is the weapon, which really disappoints me. Americans are really obsessed with robbing, but I think it should be more advanced, but maybe this kind of burst looks more enjoyable!
That large robot is really cute all the way from the old version to the new version!

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RoboCop quotes

  • John Lake: You got something on us? Or is this personal?

    Alex Murphy: No, it's nothing personal. Although, I don't like you as a person.

  • David Murphy: I saved all the Red Wings games on my computer.

    Alex Murphy: You did? How'd they do?

    David Murphy: I don't know. I've been waiting to watch them with you.