
Garfield 2022-04-20 09:01:23

"Chicago" is a film that interprets real life in the form of singing and dancing. The two scenes in the film - the real life and the singing performance - are often superimposed, giving you a feeling that life is the theater of a nightclub. The content of the film is simple, telling the story of two women who were imprisoned for murder, acquitted with the help of lawyers with undefeated records, and became the Jazz sisters. From it, you can see the filth, darkness, and money and power transactions of upper-class life, but the instinct for survival and the desire to become famous make you have to rely on it. You adapt to their rules and they exploit your greed. In the women's prison, inmates call the warden "Mom", and "Mom" is also conveying a value, as long as you are good to "Mom", "Mom" will treat you well. The two heroines are like this. They have a very good relationship with their "mothers", and their mothers are willing to do some things for them, such as calling them to find a lawyer, and carrying some private goods for them on weekdays. Of course, every service of "Mom" is not free and expensive. If they don't maintain such a transactional relationship with "mum", then their door to the outside world will be closed because it will be a dream and death is imminent. The same is true for lawyers, who will discuss the case only after receiving a representation of $5,000, and occasionally represent less than $5,000, which is an exception for "love". No matter what you were originally, as long as there is still desire, you will change when you come here. It's like a sauce jar that teaches you to cheat, live with evil, love vanity, and worship money. Next, you will follow the lawyer's rhythm. All speech, clothes, expressions, etc. must be carried out according to the lawyer's requirements. A lawyer is like a magician, he can influence public opinion, arouse anger, express pity; he can reverse black and white, and let the guilty be acquitted. The cooperation of lawyers and the media makes everything go according to plan. Whether you are a nightclub audience or a juror in a courtroom, the ignorant melon eaters just follow their predetermined direction to express "their" anger and pity. Unknowingly, in their self-proclaimed "free" expression, ordinary people become their vehicle for propagating their claims. The same goes for the two heroines in the film, who are just tools for their attention, money, and fame. Be sought after because your story is fresh, be ignored because there are fresher stories. No one cares who you are except yourself. Whether they are "mothers", lawyers or media people, they are a group of people who understand social rules and will use social rules for their own benefit, and they are not ordinary people, but represent those who High-class people with resources such as power, wealth, etc. The first feeling after watching the film, just like the film conveys, the world seems to be like a theater, you think that you "become" the protagonist, but you are actually "being" the protagonist. The real protagonist is not on the stage, but behind the stage. There are clowns on the stage and passers-by off the stage. But no matter what kind of people, they are the beneficiaries who are attached to the rules and the victims who are governed by the rules. The way the film is presented is dramatic, but realistic. There are layers in society, some are at the top, some are at the middle, and more are at the bottom. People at the bottom are usually called ordinary people. Many times these people are transparent. It is not that they are not seen, but that some people choose to ignore them, regardless of right or wrong. Therefore, recognize the reality, face it, choose your own life, and remember not to regret it.

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Chicago quotes

  • Roxie: They LOVE me.

    Billy Flynn: They'd love you a lot more if you were hanged. You know why? Because it would sell more papers!

  • [his last lines]

    Billy Flynn: You're a free woman, Roxie Hart. And God save Illinois.