The ending of this movie is a bit confusing

Lelia 2022-04-20 09:01:32

The whole movie, the little heroine Thomasin is not a witch but has been giving witches a black pot. There is indeed a witch in the forest, but there are very few appearances. In the beginning, Thomasin was playing games with his own baby and the baby was accidentally stolen by a witch. The family was very dissatisfied with Thomasin because of this. The mother seemed to be angry with Thomasin and her father, and she still framed her. Then she went to the forest with her younger brother. After seeing the witch and the witch kiss, she fell ill and said some nonsense. Back to heaven. After that, the witch in the forest did not appear. The two bear children, the younger brother and the younger sister, kept saying that Thomasin was a witch, which made the family more and more afraid of Thomasin. He also said that there is a talking black sheep at home. Later, the younger brother and sister who were beaten with Thomasin were gone. The father came out and was beaten to death by the black sheep. When the mother saw it, she thought that her daughter Thomasin was a witch who wanted to kill her, and the daughter had to kill her mother.

In the end, the black sheep really can talk, and he signed a contract with Thomasin. Then Thomasin followed the black sheep into the forest naked and saw a few naked women cheering and shouting like savages, and then followed them to the sky. Film is over. But then again, what the hell did this family do before?

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The Witch quotes

  • Caleb: She desires of my blood. She sends 'em upon me. They feed upon her teats, her nether parts. She sends 'em upon me.

  • [first lines]

    William: [before the court] What went we out into this wilderness to find? Leaving our country, kindred, our fathers' houses? We have travailed a vast ocean. For what? For what?

    Governor: We must ask thee to be silent!

    William: Was it not for the pure and faithful dispensation of the Gospels, and the Kingdom of God?

    Old Slater: No more! We are *your* judges, and not you ours!

    William: I cannot be judged by false Christians, for I have done nothing, save preach Christ's true Gospel.

    Governor: Must you continue to dishonor the laws of the commonwealth and the church with your prideful conceit?

    William: If my conscience sees it fit.

    Governor: Then shall you be banished out of this plantation's liberties!

    William: I would be glad of it.

    Governor: Then take your leave, and trouble us no further.

    William: How sadly hath The Lord testified against you.

    William: [turning to leave] Katherine...