boring to sleep

Marianna 2022-04-22 07:01:07

First of all, there are too many innocent manga in Japan. Secondly, the stalk of exchanging body and soul and crossing is not a new stalk. Again, have you really not seen "Untouchable Lovers"? The
director is really good at handling pictures, and every frame of the picture can be used as a computer desktop.
But it's not the illustration collection that I paid to see.
What I'm looking for is a whole, logical story.
And these details can't stand scrutiny at all, more bugs than computer bugs.
One, the heroine wakes up for the first time and finds that she has become a man. The reaction of a normal person is not what it should be, where is this? Why am I here? How did I become a man? Another person in the room Who was it? But she quickly accepted the change except for the surprise.
Some people say she is cute.
If she is successful, then treat her as cute. For her reaction process, 10,000 words are omitted here.
When you hold a mobile phone, your first reaction is to call yourself and someone you are familiar with, right? At least you will ask what is going on?
The more basic thing is the iPhone
!!!! I don't know the name of the other party. How do you know the password of the other party's mobile phone? How
many people who use Apple mobile phones have no power-on password?
Brother word, in the age of the Internet, even if you go to the school, don't you look at the name of the school? You don't know how to search after seeing the name of the school? A normal person downloads a Baidu map and sees where he is. Both men and women are so's not reasonable.
Not to mention that this is a cartoon, Inuyasha is also a time-travel drama. Inuyasha is a story that people and Ergou cannot help but tell. The original author didn't think it was ridiculous, because it was during the Warring States Period and there was no electronic signal at all.
Why do you mention Inuyasha? Because the scene where the hero and heroine meet across time and space in the destroyed village is reminiscent of Inuyasha.
You play the drama of soul exchange, and the reactions of abnormal people are not mentioned.
You paid homage to Inuyasha and the unreachable lover, not to mention...
But I really don't understand:
you have traveled to this body and don't know the information of the owner of this body at all, how do you know the power-on password of someone's iPhone?
More What's absurd is that you are not Inuyasha, and you are not traveling to the Warring States period. You should have known you were in 2016 the first time you saw your phone. The male protagonist will know that he is in 2013 as soon as he sees the mobile phone.
How can there be a mobile phone that does not display the number of years, months, and days?
The bigger bug is: both men and women actually use the notepad in the mobile phone to make a memo diary...
I was stunned.
This program will display the years, months and days!
Is this a story of parallel space?
Is the Apple mobile phone designed by Jobs in that world completely different from ours?
The picture is indeed beautiful.
But I came to watch movies, not MVs and illustrations.

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Extended Reading

Your Name. quotes

  • Mitsuha Miyamizu: Good morning.

    Hitoha Miyamizu: Good morning.

    Yotsuha Miyamizu: Mitsuha, you're late!

    Mitsuha Miyamizu: I'll make breakfast tomorrow.

  • Hitoha Miyamizu: You're normal today.

    Yotsuha Miyamizu: You were nuts yesterday.

    Mitsuha Miyamizu: What are you talking about?