Expect slightly bigger

Melany 2022-04-22 07:01:07

7.5 is a little high. I watched it in the cinema at the time, and it seems that I have seen a wrestling (forgot the order), and I thought I had underestimated the Indian movie, so I tried to watch it. People, the film's narrative level is conventional, and the emotional presentation is not done well. This kind of film should be easy to move people, but near the end, the protagonist hugs his mother and learns that his brother was hit by a train the night he went missing. It was really shocking that the woman went too far in picking stones. My brother went to him. The family he had always resented came to him, and because he was hit by a train that night, he bought the brown sugar cake he had been clamoring for when he died. Impressed at the end. Those adoptive parents are really unmatched by ordinary people, respect!

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Lion quotes

  • Kamla: [Saroo is picking up large and small rocks for his mother as she encourages him] Achchha bachcha...

    [which means "good boy"]

  • Lucy: [Saroo goes into the kitchen to get a beer. On the way back, he sees some Jalebis, a fried Indian desert, on the counter in a plate. A memory takes him back to his childhood with his older brother, Guddu. He smells it and takes a bite slowly as his girlfriend Lucy comes beside him] Saroo... You OK?

    Bharat: [a male dinner guest comes into the kitchen also and places his hand on Saroo's back] Saroo?

    Saroo Brierley: I'm not from Calcutta... I'm lost.

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