Zombies who don't act in comedy and love are not good zombies

Rosella 2022-04-22 07:01:06

As a fan of zombie movies, this one was totally unexpected. As a zombie movie, the plot of you eat me and I eat you is only used as a condiment, and comedy and love are the protagonists. R is definitely the cutest and most handsome zombie in history, and is simply the biggest winner in the zombie world. At first, I was attracted by a zombie with an inner monologue, and I felt joy when I saw the hesitant communication with my friends. In fact, many details of the whole drama will make people laugh inadvertently, such as the reaction of the heroine R pretending to be a zombie at the airport, the answer of R going to the heroine Shi Jiyou, and the inner monologue during the process of getting along with the heroine. Inflexible body and language, don't be too warm. The main focus is love, but seeing more is moving. Friends and girlfriends and zombie friends are too powerful and worth watching zombie movies.

But, I have to say that the plot is very unreasonable, but for the sake of making me excited, nympho and giggling, I still recommend it.

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Warm Bodies quotes

  • R: [voice-over] They call these guys Bonies. They don't bother us much, but they'll eat anything with a heartbeat. I mean, I will too, but at least I'm conflicted about it.

  • R: [voice-over] Don't be creepy. Don't be creepy. Don't be creepy.

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