This movie is too dreamy

Lenna 2022-04-21 09:01:39

But in a lot of zombie movies, the apocalypse movies are different, and there is inexplicable satisfaction in my heart. I was surprised by the heroine's father, because it was said earlier that he would probably kill R without listening to persuasion. (Maybe it has something to do with R's bleeding, this bleeding point is stuck?), so it is too ideal, but the perfect combination of the rare doomsday sci-fi ➕ love elements, the dream is also recognized, not to mention that life is already so bad , who doesn't want to see some sweet and perfect endings? (Reviewing ing today)

This scene is really super beautiful, I went back and took a screenshot

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Warm Bodies quotes

  • R: [voice-over] They call these guys Bonies. They don't bother us much, but they'll eat anything with a heartbeat. I mean, I will too, but at least I'm conflicted about it.

  • R: [voice-over] Don't be creepy. Don't be creepy. Don't be creepy.

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