That may be the feeling of heartbeat - the love journey of collecting literary zombies

Austyn 2022-04-20 09:01:30

As the warmest zombie film in history, it is really funny but very visceral. Because R is so cute, the one that made me laugh was R's home on the plane. His collecting habit really shocked me.

My favorite part is the confession of R at the beginning of the film. From that confession, we can see that R does not want to be a living dead person without emotion. He always asks himself to straighten his back and appear to be more energetic. I should hold my head up when I am hunched over, and I should see more of the world when I am pale. And he has his own thoughts, all of which pave the way for the subsequent plot.

Love can heal everything and even regenerate. R has feelings for Julie because he ate Julie's boyfriend's brain. I understand that R, as a zombie who is eager to have feelings like a human, maybe fell in love with Julie at the first sight of seeing Julie. Because he felt the heartbeat at that moment. Julie's boyfriend's brain gives R a warm memory, and R, as a living dead, covets this warmth.

Although the plot is mediocre, I think it's still worth watching. No matter what, I still believe that the world is a beautiful place because love can heal everything.

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Warm Bodies quotes

  • R: [voice-over] They call these guys Bonies. They don't bother us much, but they'll eat anything with a heartbeat. I mean, I will too, but at least I'm conflicted about it.

  • R: [voice-over] Don't be creepy. Don't be creepy. Don't be creepy.

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