To leave a mark, remember the emotions that will not go away for a long time after reading it.

Kay 2022-04-24 07:01:03

Look at the movie poster with only the names of Depp and the heroine. Leonardo was not worthy of attention at that time, but his performance in it can only be described as genius. It's really a good film, and the satisfaction and some sadness after watching it will last for a long time. The simplicity and realism of the characters inside make people feel beautiful and make life full of hope, like a trace of grandeur and heartache brought by the burning years. I've forgotten which movie made my heart beat faster after watching it, terrified and thought about it over and over again, except the first love from memory in the trilogy, which ones? After watching these movies, it just makes me feel like I only have that world, no, I'm going to make a mark.

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What's Eating Gilbert Grape quotes

  • Gilbert: Why will I take care of it?

    Arnie: Gilbert...

    Gilbert: Hmm?

    Arnie: 'Cause you're Gilbert.

    Gilbert: 'Cause I'm Gilbert.

  • Gilbert: You don't hurt Arnie, you just don't.