How many people are walking, but stuck in place

Leda 2022-04-24 07:01:03

The contest between ideals and reality always ends up being ordinary.
Gilbert is every ordinary person. With a heavy shell on his back, he wants to let go of his dreams, but he is always pulled back to reality. He and his younger brother go to wait for those station wagons every year, but even if one stops for him, will he really fly away?
Most of us will spend our lives in this kind of entanglement. Even if you do leave at a certain moment, you will always stay for someone. When you grew up, you longed to break free from the embrace of your parents, and hoped to fly alone to see a different sky; when you were nine-to-five, you longed to be able to have a trip that just went away, and suddenly had the urge to give up money, Status and responsibility, on the road alone; many times you'd rather stay in the car for a while listening to the radio than go home, not because you don't love your wife and children, but just to enjoy even a few minutes of your own time.
But at the end of the day, for some reason, for the people around you, to give them company, abundance, protection, to settle yourself down.

Becky pressed Gilbert: What do you want, your own?
--I want to be a good person.
Instantly hit because I said the same thing.

Gilbert's life, like most of the town's, is drab, just like the film's gloomy tone. The arrival of Becky brought a touch of color, she said she likes the sunset, because it is full of changes, just like her life. Maybe at this moment Gilbert suddenly realized his potential dream and went to see a different sky, otherwise why didn't he discover the beauty of the sunset before? Maybe at the same time, he also really fell in love with Becky and her life.

However, Gilbert burns down the house and says goodbye to the past, giving the film an unexpected fairy tale color. Personally, I don't like this setting, because most people can't say goodbye, and we have no choice. But on the other hand, this is good, at least it gives us hope, even if we don't become gypsies, we should try to enrich our life and our family's life as much as possible, go to read, go to games, go to travel, put down work and Socialize, give each other tolerance and space, don't be afraid of setbacks, and hardships make people grow.

Finally, guess the cause of death of the two people.
Insurance salesman, suicide. He loves the family, loves the kids, and he's like a kid himself, jumping on the trampoline. But the kids don't like trampolines anymore, they want a swimming pool. The wife also suddenly had a problem, he guessed, maybe she was too tired, they were not doing well, they didn't do well enough and didn't give them the life they wanted, well, since I have a huge amount of insurance on me, Better go home. He is such a tragedy. His wife cheated, maybe it was because he wanted to make more money that he ignored her.

Gilbert's mother, committed suicide. Her wish was to see her younger son celebrate his 18th birthday, so she did not follow her long-awaited husband too early, and now, the eldest son can finally relax. She praised him as a hero, which was a thank you and farewell Bar. Finally, she finally climbed to the second floor and died on the bed with dignity.

Last but not least, Xiao Li, but the acting is awesome, Oscar owes you several golden statuettes, we know , u deserve it!

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What's Eating Gilbert Grape quotes

  • Gilbert: Why will I take care of it?

    Arnie: Gilbert...

    Gilbert: Hmm?

    Arnie: 'Cause you're Gilbert.

    Gilbert: 'Cause I'm Gilbert.

  • Gilbert: You don't hurt Arnie, you just don't.