the essence of life

Laurie 2022-04-23 07:01:27

After watching this "Different Sky" after so many years, how many people are sighed for the faces and performances of the two movie stars. It seems that while life does not let us go, how can we not let go of the beautiful young man? And that's where it's real and cruel.
In someone else's life, each part is distinct and easy to categorize and evaluate. Deal with life. Disgust and resistance, like a suffocating family and work, like the fat woman in the film. Yearning and infatuation, such as the beautiful girl in the film. In addition, there is probably still desire and greed, like that ambiguous married woman. Although Gilbert is the protagonist, it is more like a carrier. It is also accompanied by constant reminders from others: How can you not have your own life? In fact, he is in all aspects of life, but he is not involved. Yani's adulthood is also a cruel metaphor. What kind of life you will be forced into. In a sane or insane way? I believe that the beauty of Depp and Xiao Li in the film is not an accident, but the most direct expression of innocence. In fact, the English innocent may be more appropriate, because in addition to innocence, there are actually innocents, and for life, very few people are truly as innocent as Gilbert.
So, I don't like to interpret this film as an exploration of the cruelty of life or how hope is done, but rather its nuanced narrative. After the elder brother hurt his younger brother, he asked his forgiveness through a game that he and his younger brother liked to play before. In the evening when love was born, Gilbert left his brother and went to watch the sunset with the girl for an afternoon. The moment when the boy parted with his old love, the unidentified person will miss it. The benefits of movies are probably similar to dreams. Cruel and terrifying woke up with a sense of relief. And the beautiful part, as if it happened in reality, can always be remembered. In life, of course, there are all kinds of big right and wrong, big choices and changes or unchangeable fate. But what shines brightly is some afternoon sun. The brothers were sitting in front of the house, the mother was in front of the TV, and the sisters and sisters were still making noise. A beloved girl passes by on the street, and there are a few friends who can talk and laugh.
As for those who wanted to burn down their previous life and live in an RV with their beloved girl, it probably existed in the innocent America at that time.
Then, I always think of Depp and Xiao Li. In the eyes of most people, it is considered a success, but it seems that there are still many awards that they want to win, and many dramas that they want to act have not met. People still don't forget to lament the disappearance of the boy and the changed appearance, as well as the feelings of ons and offs. Probably everyone knows that the combination of the two is the essence of life. And the highest compliment is nothing more than the people around you like the mother in the film, calling you to the wall and telling you: I think you are the hero in armor, not shining, but brave.

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What's Eating Gilbert Grape quotes

  • Gilbert: Why will I take care of it?

    Arnie: Gilbert...

    Gilbert: Hmm?

    Arnie: 'Cause you're Gilbert.

    Gilbert: 'Cause I'm Gilbert.

  • Gilbert: You don't hurt Arnie, you just don't.