What Keeps Gilbert Grape Going?

Andreanne 2022-04-23 07:01:27

It's always been quiet and peaceful. I won't feel that their experience is very tragic, because everyone lives so tenderly.
The grocer said, "The way you talk like that reminds me of your father."
Gilbert sings a nursery rhyme to persuade Arnie from the tall water tower, and everyone applauds.
Gilbert's two friends would always gossip together, but try to help Gilbert maintain his mother's dignity, even when Gilbert has given up.
Arnie is always smiling so happily. The first time he sat next to Becky and said, "Tomorrow is my birthday. I don't want to invite you", he couldn't help but smile.
Amy is not a mother, she is better than a mother.
And mother, although all her dreams and all hopes of life have been dashed with the departure of father, she still cares for her children so sincerely. She dragged her fat body, walked out of the house, walked to the police station, and when she was going back to Arnie, she had a holy halo on her head.
Yes, you can never measure what others go through by what happened to you. For you, it's a simple matter of going out of the house, walking to the street, and looking at the sun. For some people, it takes all courage. For you, home is a place where you can rest, where you can gather courage and face the outside world, and for some, every step home can be a heavy burden.
Are the truths of life heavy? The difficulties that followed, the endless trials and tribulations. Then, what are people living for? Regarding life, the important question is not What's eating Gilbert Grape? It should be "What keeps him going?" If life is all suffering, if the tone of life is so heavy, why are you still here? Why are you continuing? Why didn't you keep driving, driving, leaving Endora?
He hit Arnie. Regardless of guilt, or the release after a long time of depression, he left Endora in a hurry. But it finally stopped. As his mother asked him later. Why didn't you disappear? Why are you still coming back? Yes, why?
To answer Amy's "Where is Arnie?" "Geetz, I wonder where he could be. I thought he was with you." To tell Arnie "you scared the crap out of me." Mom said, Mom you're not a joke, never was. To hear Becky say I had a great time, and then say I know?
Yes, the truth of life is so dark, so heavy. Therefore, the traces of warmth in life are so beautiful, so attractive, and so hard to let go.
Love, keeps everybody going.

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What's Eating Gilbert Grape quotes

  • Gilbert: Why will I take care of it?

    Arnie: Gilbert...

    Gilbert: Hmm?

    Arnie: 'Cause you're Gilbert.

    Gilbert: 'Cause I'm Gilbert.

  • Gilbert: You don't hurt Arnie, you just don't.