Life is a terrible thing to sleep through

Blaze 2022-04-23 07:01:27

Perhaps from the two sentences on the movie poster, you can guess how depressing and dull this movie is. "Life is a terrible thing to sleep through." This is the first sentence on the poster, referring specifically to Gilbert's mentally retarded brother in the film. Intellectually handicapped children live in their own little world all day long. In reality, they seem to have never woken up. Gilbert works hard for his younger brother all day long. For Gilbert, his younger brother is a burden to himself. Gilbert wanted his younger brother to die and not burden the family from now on, and at the same time he wanted him to live forever, with his innocent smile. Contradictions like this have always plagued Gilbert. As the second sentence on the poster "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" What ate Gilbert? It is the younger brother who always disappears suddenly from the crowd, the fat mother like a whale, the beautiful woman in the small town who has something to do with him... Gilbert lives aimlessly, under the pressure of life, guarding the tranquility. Tormenting Gilbert's town like a steamer.
Until he met Becky. Becky was like a sudden warm current, wrapping Gilbert's heart in the swamp. Since then, Gilbert's black and white life has become a little more colorful, and the light that the director of the whole film is trying to find for us is also here. However, Becky can't stay by Gilbert's side all the time. Good times are always short, even if the white caravan once again Bringing Becky back to Gilbert gives the audience a sense of satisfaction, but how long will Becky stay? The film came to an abrupt end. The poster of the movie is still black and white, Gilbert is standing alone, his eyes are full of daze and hesitation, and above his head is the white cloud blown by the wind, a silence, a dead silence.
"Gilbert, what ideal do you have, you can think of it right away."
"New, a new house for the family, I want my mother to do aerobics, I want Aaron to grow up quickly, I want Aaron It's not like this anymore, I think..."
"Then what do you want, yourself."
"I want to be a good person."
Gilbert's ideal is so simple that it can't even be called an "ideal", but the barren life will mercilessly pinch such an "ideal" and it will be ashes. In the end, Gilbert resolutely set a fire to burn down his home, destroying his once beautiful home full of holes. Their broken families yearn for a change, a new life, we have no way of knowing what their new life is like, it may still be a dull lost life, but we all prefer to believe that under the thick cumulus clouds, even Gilbert The younger brother will still disappear suddenly, but their life is full of joy and laughter - it is a different sky.

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What's Eating Gilbert Grape quotes

  • Gilbert: Why will I take care of it?

    Arnie: Gilbert...

    Gilbert: Hmm?

    Arnie: 'Cause you're Gilbert.

    Gilbert: 'Cause I'm Gilbert.

  • Gilbert: You don't hurt Arnie, you just don't.