My Watch Book: "I Spit Your Grave"

Ulices 2021-12-15 08:01:17

The remake of the famous banned film 32 years ago was basically replayed according to the original plot. I think that if the remake cannot make progress, it will be a step backward. After all, after so many years, the actors have better conditions than then, and the technology is far more mature than then. Even if it is fried cold rice, it needs to be fried. New tricks come. The 2010 version of "I Spit Your Grave" has no highlights in the first half, and it is even a step backwards compared to the previous work, and it is not as tense as the handling of the 1978 version. The highlight of this film is that in the second half, the heroine will kill the five people who have persecuted her (a policeman is added here, and this policeman is relatively BOSS-level among the five people). The process is very " "Saw Fright", in terms of the "sweetness" it brings to the audience, is more than 78 editions. Of course, the unreasonable aspects of the 78 version of the plot also exist in this film. The heroine's strength in the later period is incredible, and the revenge process is unbelievably smooth.

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I Spit on Your Grave quotes

  • Johnny: [Johnny is working at the gas station. He hears a bell ring from a customer; the customer is a young, attractive female with her back turned. He walks towards her] Morning. Hey, there! Can I fill you up?

    [the female patron suddenly turns around with a tire iron in her hand; it's Jennifer. She strikes Johnny with the iron bar and knocks him out]

  • Johnny: Matthew here says that you didn't pay him for fixing your sink!

    Jennifer: That's not true; he ran out!


    Jennifer: I'll take care of it.

    [Jennifer retrieves her purse to get money; all of the men chuckle at her]