Perfect Steve, goodbye again

Chet 2022-04-19 09:01:41

The plot is actually beyond doubt that Diana and Steve will be separated again after they meet again.

A few memorable moments:

1. Diana, in a white dress, meets the person she loves the most, with the Washington Monument in the back. It's really a perfect reunion.

2. Steve in the mirror looks like the man wearing the soul, and Steve in Diana's eyes is still him in 1918. This is a great deal. No matter how the years change, you are always the same in my eyes , even if you appear in someone else's body , in my eyes, you are what you are.

3. Diana and Steve have differences in clothing, like an ordinary couple. After all, straight men's aesthetics are always a mystery.

Maybe when they are running in together, they will quarrel and bicker.

4. Diana brought Steve, a pilot in the early 20th century, to the space museum. Like a mother taking her son to a science and technology museum, Steve is novel and excited about the 1980s, and happily explores everything in the future.

Diana's eyes were soft with a hint of relief, it's good that you're back.

5. At the military airport, Steve was once again convinced of the future of flying. On the stolen plane, Diana uses invisibility to hide the plane, and Steve pilots the plane through the fireworks, giving her a romantic interplanetary date like never before. As the plane ascends above the clouds and drives smoothly, Diana looks at Steve tenderly, as if those lonely years had never happened , and she holds Steve's hand, their affection for each other transcending time and space.

6. Diana told Steve that the biggest advantage that Steve has that he does not have is that he can fly. Steve is very humble because he knows that he is an ordinary person, but his understanding of flying is imprinted in Diana's mind. Inspired Diana to learn to fly.

The last time Steve inspired Diana's magic power, this time he taught her Diana's most envy of flying. Diana used to look up at planes in the sky and think of Steve who haunted her, and now, as long as I'm in the wind, I can feel you.

7. In the chase on the Cairo highway, Steve, like the first part, knew that he was an ordinary human being, but tried his best to cover Diana, and fought hard to protect Diana who was rushing in front of him in the hail of bullets.

8. Steve came back from Cairo and saw that Diana's room had something to do with him, a photo with his secretary in his old age, a photo at Trevor's farm, and the watch he gave her... Steve should be very distressed , After so many years of his death, Diana has been cherishing this short and great love with him, and he is always the only one in his heart.

But Steve knew he was leaving her again.

There is also a close-up title of the bookshelf, it looks like Rose in "Titanic", Diana punches in everything related to Steve, and even sends people who know Steve away, the difference is that Rose is walking forward, feeling Jack Said life is not in vain, but Diana is eternal loneliness.


This stolen wish has a serious price, the laws of nature need to be corrected, and the dream finally wakes up.

Diana told Steve that she couldn't fall in love with anyone again, so she didn't want to give up the wish. But Steve says Diana's idea is crazy, there are so many better men to love.

This episode is really super real, when two people have to be separated, yes they are both good, even many times better than you, and to me, because they are not you, those good ones are nothing at all. And Steve said that, it is the rationality of many men. It is to leave the sadness to himself, push the other party forward, and spend the last time giving the other party courage and hope. This is the most abusive and the most unbearable thing to let go .

I can't say goodbye...

When it came time to say goodbye again, Diana was faced with a choice: the person she loved the most, or the world.

Once again Steve made the right choice: You don't have to say it, because I'm dead. I have a perfect life and I am grateful.

It's like we can't say goodbye to the people we love, Diana can't forget Steve, he has a sense of justice, compassion, takes protecting others as his responsibility, has his own profession and career, is humorous and romantic, and knows himself Ordinary, but still doing his best to change the world.

They are all good, but none of them are you.

Cruel to lose Steve again.

I think the role of Steve Trevor can only be played by Chris Pine, the classic ideal boyfriend. Since "Princess Diaries 2", he has started to play the man behind him. He has his own abilities, but respects women and tries his best to help. The heroine gains her own independence. This style of boyfriend, only Chris Pine can control.

This one does have a lot of imperfections, such as Steve's disappearance at the end.

But these deficiencies do not affect my experience. There are many places in the last episode, but they are not pretentious or sell feelings, because Steve is good enough. He is not only Diana's boyfriend, but also helps her become a better version of herself, At the same time, he is also a man that many girls will be attracted to.

The score I give is entirely out of my own selfishness. After all, watching Steve cry once, the only superhero movie that can make me cry is this step.

As a viewer, I also lost Steve time and time again.

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Extended Reading

Wonder Woman 1984 quotes

  • Diana Prince: My life hasn't been what you think it has. We all have our struggles.

  • Max Lord: [advertisement] Welcome to the future. Life is good! But it can be better. And why shouldn't it be? All you need is to want it. Think about finally having everything you always wanted.