soul contract

Jazmin 2022-04-20 09:01:22

In Western culture, there is a witch who makes an agreement with the person who asks for something in exchange for something. In this film, Johnny and the devil reach a contract to make his father recover. The nature is the same but the noun is different.
Some people in the short film say that Uncle Ni in the second half is a lighter, which is true.
The stunts of the motorcycle are very dazzling, and the bad guys and the good guys in the plot are clearly distinguished in front of Uncle Ni. Those in prison must be bad people, and those in broad daylight are all good people. The writers are quite vague.
The chariot design is very good, but the action design is pale. If there is Cheng Xiaodong to guide the action, it should be more exciting.

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Ghost Rider quotes

  • Mephistopheles: Perhaps you'll ride for me some day.

    Young Johnny Blaze: You run a show?

    Mephistopheles: Greatest show on Earth.

  • [outside a biker bar; sees Blackheart walking up]

    Motorcycle Gang Member: I think you might be lost, boy. You deaf or something?

    Motorcycle Gang Member: [steps in front of Blackheart, stops him from entering] Angels only in there.

    Blackheart: Angels. Really?

    Motorcycle Gang Member: Yeah, really.

    [jabs Blackheart in the chest]

    Motorcycle Gang Member: You got a problem with that?

    Blackheart: As a matter of fact...

    [jabs him the same way, slowly turning him into a blackened corpse; after the biker drops]

    Blackheart: I do.