You have to understand all the jokes

Erling 2022-04-20 09:01:30

Every time I turn to the poster of this movie, I feel that this should be a super bad movie, not to mention the dull Chinese name "Go with the Flow". I was bored at night to see what I missed. I don't want to say how well this movie was made, and no matter how frustrating Adam Sandler's lines make me irritated, this movie with a lot of dialogue makes me start all over again. Laugh till the end, okay? The two glamorous "ex-wives" keep their bodies too good. Although Nicole is suspected of using a knife, Jennifer's wheat-colored skin and muscle lines blind my eyes. I feel that I have left the superstar husband, and the two still haven't relaxed their self-management. Well; acting crazy London accent daughter + cold noodle dolphin fan bear son + unlucky cousin who doesn't know accent Do you know; the saddest thing about Brooklyn Decker's various shows and cuteness in the film is the dissolution of Nsync, but unfortunately the male protagonist and her are not the same age as her, hahaha, Roddick finally came out to cheer for his daughter-in-law for 2 seconds , with I Justin hanging around my neck, indicating that we are one country! There are also some touching and warm scenes in it. . . . . All the protagonists and supporting actors and passers-by are very funny. If you are bored and in a bad mood, I highly recommend this film, which makes people laugh and laugh thoroughly. Of course, you have to understand all the jokes!

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Just Go with It quotes

  • Danny Maccabee: Ooh, the Mafia stare down. Very good, Michael. We're here to negotiate. Do you have anything else you might like?

    Michael: I want a flying pony.

    Danny Maccabee: I want a flying pony, too, but they don't exist.

    Michael: Then I want a regular pony. And I want to name him Nelson.

    Danny Maccabee: How about a PlayStation 3 and we name him Nelson?

    Michael: Keep talking.

    Danny Maccabee: We'll include 4 video games.

    Michael: Five games. I want the meeting with Blondie to be at J.D. McFunnigan's?

    Danny Maccabee: How about Charlie Choo-Choos because it's right down the street from me?

    Michael: You mention that slop-hole again, and I walk.

  • Michael: Mom, before we go can I make a Devlin?