Go With The Flow: The Paradox of Passion and Love

Michele 2022-04-19 09:01:38

The English title of "Just Go With It" is easy to explain on the surface, that is, "follow the feeling". This seems to describe a value of love. For men, it is to live with the situation, not to care about beauty or ugliness, but only to feel good; for women, it is more inclined to marry chickens, dogs and dogs. But the spiritual appeal that this film wants to express is a kind of "passion" value. The male protagonist, Danny, experienced a nightmare wedding when he was young, only to be ridiculed and spurned by the bride because of his huge nose. This hit him hard. After working hard, he became a plastic surgeon. The first thing he did was to get his nose straightened. He accidentally discovered that the wedding ring in his hand can turn grief into strength and decay into magic - a killer for picking up girls. From then on, from a wretched uncle Fai to a handsome man in Yushu Lingfeng, the life of searching for flowers and asking willows is self-evident. Follow "passion", yes; but "passion" does not mean "love".

"Following the Flow" is a good-looking movie. The script with the theme of "Yin and Yang, Coincidence" has drawn almost all the comedy elements. But this is also thanks to the original "Cactus Flower", which ranked seventh at the box office of the year, and was remade into "Love First Aid" by Bollywood in India in 2005. It can be seen that "Follow the Flow" can emerge in the first week in North America and successfully reach the top, all relying on the tried and tested script. Adam Sandler is a hallmark of Hollywood comedy stars. His comedy works are mostly shit, piss and fart, and vulgarity, vulgarity, and heavy taste are the styles he is best at mastering. With the growth of experience, the "cheapness" of his comedy drama has gradually converged, and now it may not reach one-tenth of "Don't mess with Zohan". The earlier "Growing Up" was simply like a character who took a back seat as a consultant, not to mention that it would be a big lie to miss the old him. He is partnered with Jennifer Aniston this time, which I personally think is a perfect match. His slightly sincere sullen humor, paired with Jennifer Aniston's playfulness and cuteness, can be said to make the film extremely lively and lively. The kind of flirting that suddenly changed from casual flirting to an emotional look at each other in an instant, without the slightest sense of abrupt contrived, quite convincing. This makes the ending of their lovers getting married has a deep and moving foreshadowing. These foreshadowings are exactly what the film wants to show to the audience, so that the audience can experience the exaggerated atmosphere of life with laughter and curses.

Danny, played by Adam Sandler, was a complete playboy before he met Palmer, the goddess of sex. In addition to using the wedding ring to take the opportunity to explain his own experience and constancy, to win the sympathy of the woman, he also took advantage of the American preference for the profession of a doctor. In fact, in the United States, if you are in the profession of a doctor, if you open a private clinic, it means that you are rich, the profit from work is high, and the extra money from human relationships is easy and frequent. In "Love and Elixir", the true meaning of the so-called seminars in the medical field is well explained. Every doctor loves a heavenly party. To this end, Danny has practiced the perfect skills of picking up girls. The magic height is one foot and the road is ten feet high. Although Palmer's appearance is a hit with him, this little girl seems to be very shrewd and very serious. She firmly grasped Danny's heart and took the initiative in love. For the first time in his life, Danny had to treat love so sincerely. His so-called love before was just three minutes of passion. The previously tried-and-true wedding ring has become the biggest obstacle to love, and Danny has no choice but to start lying. Then the film began to play the charm of "Yin and Yang", and the lies were like a snowball, like a surging river, out of control. We can see that this most important segment implementation is the stacking of various funny bridges and styles of funny elements. The most traditional routines of Hollywood comedies are all like this. They go to the trouble of inserting useful and useless jokes, whether they fit in with each other, and whether they appear at the right time or not. As long as it can make the audience laugh out loud and have endless aftertastes, it is a good joke, and I will use it all. There are not many comedy and spoof films that are as successful as "The Hangover", but they are just packed with a layer of funny lines, which is refreshing, but they are actually basically the same. Well, although "The Hangover 2" moved the scene to Thailand and tried to use a ladyboy as a gimmick, I think, no matter how arrogant it is, it can't achieve the reputation of the first film. The joining of "Beautiful Girl with Big Breasts" Brooklyn Decker is enough to make the film flourish, and it must not be an exaggeration to say that she contributed a large part of the box office. This vase is too powerful, I suggest Megan Fox children's shoes, you can come and learn from it.

The concept of love promoted by "Go with the Flow" is not vulgar, but very sincere. Catherine, a single mother played by Jennifer Aniston, plays soy sauce and accidentally becomes a Cinderella. Using other people's passion to discover one's own love is a cruel and tragic thing in itself, but it is so warmly and peacefully interpreted by the film. I think this is the greatest success. Although the older leftover men don't have to bear the fate of "beautiful and easy to grow old", although the tortoise has a long life, there is still time, and after the passion is overdrawn, it will also die alone. So, how to stop passion in moderation and accept the test of true love is what the film wants to tell the audience. At the same time, it can also let the older leftover women see the light of hope that the prodigal son will return. Aside from the bad taste of the film most of the time, from this perspective, the reason is obvious. It can be said that it is a marriage inspirational film for older leftover men and women. In addition, the other lace significance of "Go With the Flow" is that it allows us to see Nick Kidman, who has always been known for being gentle and serious, but also has a talent for comedy, which makes people shine.

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Just Go with It quotes

  • Danny Maccabee: Ooh, the Mafia stare down. Very good, Michael. We're here to negotiate. Do you have anything else you might like?

    Michael: I want a flying pony.

    Danny Maccabee: I want a flying pony, too, but they don't exist.

    Michael: Then I want a regular pony. And I want to name him Nelson.

    Danny Maccabee: How about a PlayStation 3 and we name him Nelson?

    Michael: Keep talking.

    Danny Maccabee: We'll include 4 video games.

    Michael: Five games. I want the meeting with Blondie to be at J.D. McFunnigan's?

    Danny Maccabee: How about Charlie Choo-Choos because it's right down the street from me?

    Michael: You mention that slop-hole again, and I walk.

  • Michael: Mom, before we go can I make a Devlin?