Just go with it, just do it

Domenick 2022-04-19 09:01:38

There is no deception in the world of love, and there is no room for love in the world of lies.

Relax all the way from start to finish. The enduring ugly girl turned over, the cute children born in the 00s full of whimsy, the romantic Hawaii composed of sunshine, beach, coconut grove and enthusiasm, plus those poor jokes whose plastic surgery failed to make people hilarious, all this It's enough to drive away your sentimentality and let you feel their happiness easily and stress-free, so that you can feel happy too. It's worth it to spend money to buy such happiness, what do you think?

Jennifer's smile is very contagious, and onlookers are attracted by such a smile, not to mention the male protagonist? Treat life sincerely, not exaggerated, know how to enjoy, know how to restrain, in my opinion, she has almost fulfilled all the admonitions on Weibo to tell women how to make themselves better, she has a low-key gorgeous, vulgar and unbearable The person who can't find her beauty, and the person who can really find it is the person she's looking for. Women, it should be like this. . .

The two children in the play are important characters. It is said that they are Jennifer's own children. In reality, the mother and son moved to the screen. Who would not feel the kindness? Especially the little boy named Barr, like the engine that drives the storyline, I don't know if he did it on purpose or if he just spoke his true thoughts, so they went to Hawaii. . . It's amazing, why wasn't I so smart when I was a kid? He is still a very serious child, learning to swim hard, he also cherishes the time with his fake father very much, and fully presents a little boy who lacks fatherly love.

And the central idea in this film is the title just go with it, which translates to follow the trend in Chinese. I don’t think such a translation can very well reflect the meaning of the film. Just follow your own feelings and let your heart make your choice. That's the center of the movie. In the movie, the male and female protagonists truly express their hearts and let their footsteps follow their hearts, simple, direct and clear. That's the way it is, you like me, I like you, there are not so many misses, there are not so many accidents, and there is no hesitation and hard to tell.

And the reason for falling in love is also very simple, because it is true, because we understand each other. The bits and pieces of life stay in their hearts, touch the most tender corner, and then take root and sprout in the pure and lie-free soil. They saw through each other's ugliness in life, and were also attracted by each other's sincere and kind side. In the end, it comes down to that, sincerity is the eternal theme.

Perhaps, the false prosperity in the society once made you yearn, perhaps, the false flattery of friends around you made you think that such an attitude to life can survive in the current society... But all of this is like a bubble of lies, everyone All face others with hypocrisy, and everyone is chasing hypocrisy, then this bubble will burst sooner or later, and then society will return to that real calm. So, let’s kill those thoughts quickly, live a real life, treat your friends sincerely, and be a pure white magnolia. Even if it blooms in the corner, you don’t have to be sad, because the moment the flower blooms, the fragrance will be Sprinkle the entire space.

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Just Go with It quotes

  • Danny Maccabee: Ooh, the Mafia stare down. Very good, Michael. We're here to negotiate. Do you have anything else you might like?

    Michael: I want a flying pony.

    Danny Maccabee: I want a flying pony, too, but they don't exist.

    Michael: Then I want a regular pony. And I want to name him Nelson.

    Danny Maccabee: How about a PlayStation 3 and we name him Nelson?

    Michael: Keep talking.

    Danny Maccabee: We'll include 4 video games.

    Michael: Five games. I want the meeting with Blondie to be at J.D. McFunnigan's?

    Danny Maccabee: How about Charlie Choo-Choos because it's right down the street from me?

    Michael: You mention that slop-hole again, and I walk.

  • Michael: Mom, before we go can I make a Devlin?