American view of love~

Timothy 2022-04-19 09:01:38

I really like Adam's style, humorous, sincere and kind.
In fact, I appreciate their views on love. Following my own feelings, love should be spoken out boldly, especially for children. When training the little boy to swim, he showed the real charm and personality of a man.
There are a few places where I burst out laughing, when the GAY used his butt to get the coconut up in the coconut part~~ and the little boy got up in the middle of the night and pooped and pulled the bad guy's hand - -!
In short, it is a very classic film, and Adam Sandler is definitely a world-class PUA! Recommend a few of his films:
a similar story about the Spanish maid, which also shows the charm and responsibility of men~
Funny characters cherish life and cherish the things at the moment~
The unforgettable childhood dream when I grow up, the belief that I will never give up~

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Just Go with It quotes

  • Danny Maccabee: Ooh, the Mafia stare down. Very good, Michael. We're here to negotiate. Do you have anything else you might like?

    Michael: I want a flying pony.

    Danny Maccabee: I want a flying pony, too, but they don't exist.

    Michael: Then I want a regular pony. And I want to name him Nelson.

    Danny Maccabee: How about a PlayStation 3 and we name him Nelson?

    Michael: Keep talking.

    Danny Maccabee: We'll include 4 video games.

    Michael: Five games. I want the meeting with Blondie to be at J.D. McFunnigan's?

    Danny Maccabee: How about Charlie Choo-Choos because it's right down the street from me?

    Michael: You mention that slop-hole again, and I walk.

  • Michael: Mom, before we go can I make a Devlin?