"21 grams" look and feel

Joy 2022-04-21 09:01:33

"21 Grams" has three main lines, telling a story of three people connected by a car accident. In the first half hour of the movie, I was going around among the three families. The timeline of the story was edited into pieces, but looking back, it was like a jigsaw puzzle, and I slowly saw the cause and effect of the story. Complete a complete puzzle.

The film opens and ends with the same shot: a dying Paul lying on a hospital bed, contemplating the meaning of life. Paul fell in love with Christine because of a heart transplant, which involved a lot of hard-to-explain factors. It may be that the original owner of the heart is Christine's husband, and Paul approached Christine because he wanted to repay his gratitude; it may also be that Paul really fell in love with the poor woman who had just lost her husband and daughter. Of course, there may be some possibilities that we have a hard time believing - for example, all this is just an arrangement of fate.

Jack felt guilty for killing Christine's husband Mike and her daughter. He tried to kill himself but failed. In the end, he hoped to die at the hands of Paul, because Paul had promised Christine to help. She gets revenge and he also goes to Jack and tries to kill him. The three people in the three families are connected in this way, but in the end, instead of killing Jack, Paul ended his own life with a gun. For Jack, what he gained was physical freedom, and what he lost was the faith that brought him life-changing; for Christine, what she gained was Paul's love and the last baby in her womb, what she lost was The husband and daughter I once loved; and for Paul, what he lost was life, but I can hardly imagine what he gained, perhaps life, but it was only a short, borrowed time.

The whole memory is Paul's memory before his death, as if he saw his own life before he died. In addition, this messy jumping interspersed technique is like the memory silhouettes in the depths of the three people's hearts, which is very vivid. This narrative technique just complements a lot of shaking and shaking shots in the film, making the whole narrative more tense.

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21 Grams quotes

  • [hitting his son upside the head to punish him for hitting his sister]

    Jack Jordan: There's no hitting in this house.

  • [holding a glass jar containing his surgically removed heart]

    Paul Rivers: Ah. The culprit.