Compare with Memento and Seven Pounds

Braeden 2022-04-21 09:01:33

Compared with "Memento" in terms of narrative structure, it is a more fancy editing technique. But with the same complex editing techniques, "Memento" is obviously more suitable because of the setting of the movie itself. And "21 Grams" will be a little deliberate, probably because the film itself is discussing the soul and philosophy, so I want to use this editing method to confuse people and increase the sense of awe for the soul.

Compared with "Seven Pounds" in terms of thematic content, both films use the weight of the soul as the title, and even have similarities in the setting of the plot. In "21 Grams", the male protagonist fell in love with the female protagonist because of this heart. In "Seven Pounds", the male protagonist gave her his own heart because he fell in love with the female protagonist.

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21 Grams quotes

  • [hitting his son upside the head to punish him for hitting his sister]

    Jack Jordan: There's no hitting in this house.

  • [holding a glass jar containing his surgically removed heart]

    Paul Rivers: Ah. The culprit.