do we also have souls

Sammy 2022-04-21 09:01:33

The hummingbird leaves, the hummingbird returns, everything is like a reincarnation, nothing has changed, nothing has changed, the person who should hang up hangs up, the person who wants to make up for the abortion and have a child again fails, and the person who loses the child gets it again. With a baby, it looks like everything is business as usual, but everyone in the film is trapped. I have to say, it's a good movie, and I define a good movie as: he makes people think. The movie is roughly made up of three families that are all intertwined at the end, let's talk about Jack first, he was a doomsday bastard when he was young, he went to prison, then he believed in Jesus, and when the tragedy happened, he doubted Jesus, all Everything, in my opinion, he is just looking for inner balance, the film is very detail-oriented and contextual, his wife, smoking behind his back on his birthday, smoking in front of him when he is released from prison, people sometimes because of He was scorned for wrongdoing, it was true, in the eyes of his wife, he was only responsible for himself, his boss fired him because of the tattoos on his body, and before he murdered, he did not satisfy his son's desire for bamboo rats Wish, but after hitting the child and going to prison, the child's wish was fulfilled, why? Why can't Jack be a good guy in the first place? Why fulfill a child's wishes from the start? Why can't you stop the car after hitting someone? So whether it is God or Jesus, he thinks there must be a reason for him to be chosen, he is reflecting, he thinks killing is for life, he wants to die, he wants to change, he wipes his tattoos with a knife, he does it for him Responsible for what he does, in my opinion, he has a soul! But his whole life will be painful, just like the lines at the beginning of the movie: You can steal, you can take drugs, but one day, if you kill old people and children, your whole life will be tormented! And then about Paul, what if you were seriously ill? Are you secretly smoking cigarettes in a pill box? Will you abandon the woman who stayed with you when you were terminally ill? Will it be donated to the wife of the man with your heart? He has lost his reverence for life, his loyalty to love, and his gratitude for life. I am glad that his wife left him in the movie and did not conceive his child because he has no soul. Finally, let’s talk about Christine, after losing After the child, she became decadent, addicted to drugs, wanted revenge for killing Jack, she questioned her father, she told his father that it was difficult for her to understand the smile on his father's face when his mother left, and to chat with others , In her opinion, everything is a lie! In the end, she also became part of the lie. Some things are lost and will not come back. At the end, she hugged her big belly and was full of joy, probably because she had another child. But as Paul said: Is it just for the continuation of life? I'm thinking, If there is no scene of the hanging hippo in the middle, all the tragedies would not have happened, and the dry swimming pool at the end said everything, it is destined to be a tragedy. I would like to spit out that many clips in the movie are interspersed repeatedly in the reverse order, which makes people uncomfortable. It would be much better if they didn't cut like this, but, looking back, maybe the director did it on purpose, because we all want to go back to the past , Do the things that have not been done well, and probably only in this way will you have a soul!

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  • [hitting his son upside the head to punish him for hitting his sister]

    Jack Jordan: There's no hitting in this house.

  • [holding a glass jar containing his surgically removed heart]

    Paul Rivers: Ah. The culprit.