Life is a desperate redemption

Lois 2022-04-21 09:01:33

21 grams, the weight of
the soul We all lose 21 grams the moment we die exactly
How much is deposited in the 21 grams and how much is lost
When we lose the 21 grams and how much is left with it Go and gain again The weight of
a small pile of five-cent coins The weight of a
hummingbird The weight
of a small bar of chocolate The fate of the three families was tightly held together by a disaster by the hand of God. The math professor got a fresh heart, but couldn't save the dying love. Once reborn, the quiet silence in the family is torn apart. Life is left, but love has slept in the grave. Without the worry of life, the wife will lose the last bit of mercy. Selfishness and lies appeared bit by bit like a conspiracy. He didn't show the torture of rejection. He didn't want to be in a suffocated room, waiting for the death of another person to save him again. In another painful entrance. He chose silence, forbearance, and leaving. He knew that the beating heart in his chest was withering in search. What is he looking for? Heaven's Gate? He wanted to know. When he saw her, he knew who he was. Maybe, I am an angel with a power as thin as a gossamer in my chest, calling her name, hugging her, kissing her, and pulling her out of the quagmire of pain; however, I may be a devil again, If she hadn't occupied the hot heart in her chest, how could she have appeared in such a dirty place with a tired face, intoxicated in alcohol and psychedelic drugs.

If repayment is a kind of redemption, then revenge may be a kind of self-liberation. This is a gun that can overcome fear. The bullet does not need to be loaded. Just pull the trigger and everyone can go to heaven together. But, facing that old ugly face, why, why are my fingers shaking, he is asking himself, his stomach is twitching badly, and God seems to be reminding him that your heartbeat comes from the death of another person, you How can one's soul be so easily deprived of other people's lives.

Bang bang bang! Three shots were fired. When JACK JONDAN found out that he was still alive, no one knew how desperate he was. He only did two things in his life. crime and repentance. Perhaps, each of us has sins and commits different sins, but who else is like this, following the will of God in sin and repentance.

On his birthday night, he killed a father and two girls with his car. He will always remember what they looked like when they died. One of the girls opened her eyes wide, as if she had something to say to him. How much he looked forward to, what she said was a sentence of forgiveness, but he would never hear it.

He prayed every day and repented day and night. He didn't want to die, he had a wife and kids, and life was like a juicy berry with an alluring fragrance. But he also couldn't go on living. Because the great guilt drives him crazy, he forgets that there is loneliness, fear, desire and love in this world, and he just wants to be forgiven.

The priest said, God will forgive you. He just wanted to know where God was.

Or, death is the ultimate mercy. If there were no hatred in this world, the soul would not bear such a heavy cross. He took the gun and walked into the room of the wife and mother who had lost her husband and child, even though, at the moment, she was lying next to another body.

He fell on his knees to atone for his sins. He begged them to kill him. He knew he couldn't get to heaven. He just didn't want to stay in hell.

When the floor lamp in the woman's hand fell heavily, he felt sharp and real pain. The blood flowed down, and he smelled the fishy sweetness. He cried, shouted joyfully, and wept joyfully. Because he knows that he is alive and alive.

It all ended with another shot. The man in the corner has a hole in his chest. The skin was sticking to the clothing, and the surroundings were covered in blood. It was a black hole that completely swallowed all his hopes.

The police said, you can go and be acquitted. The priest said, child, you have God's forgiveness.

The sky was cloudy, and a huge sense of guilt hit, he thought, God, must be dead.

CRISTINA sat in the corridor of the hospital, very awake, without the anesthesia of drugs, there was no illusion of happiness. She was thinking about who he was, who she was, and who was the weak life in her belly.

Who did she meet at the door of the bar, who had lunch with her, who put a coat on her, who hugged her in the middle of the night, who licked her tears when lust and joy were intertwined, She closed her eyes and called me to love you, who is it?

An unfamiliar man with a familiar heartbeat in his chest. The heartbeat that once saved her, the heartbeat that promised her in the future, the heartbeat that pushed her into the abyss, and the heartbeat that made her irreversible. She once thought that love could wash away the indulgence of life, but this fragile redemption could not resist an unexpected disaster, which was overwhelming and shattered.

th. Self-defeating but do not believe there is hope. But the entanglement of love is like a fire, making her shattered to pieces.

She doesn't expect liberation, she doesn't need forgiveness, she doesn't have any hope. The little life in her belly was sprouting, and she could only hear the words of her father.

Life goes on.

Yes, life goes on. Life is so long and alluring, yet so hopeless. We praise God, but we don't know how to praise or curse. We pick up everyone's sins along the way, clinging to those impossible redemptions. Hatred, anger, jealousy, suspicion, repentance, forgiveness and destruction are all so heavy, yet our soul weighs only 21 grams.

How much can these 21 grams carry, the salvation we can never reach.

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21 Grams quotes

  • [hitting his son upside the head to punish him for hitting his sister]

    Jack Jordan: There's no hitting in this house.

  • [holding a glass jar containing his surgically removed heart]

    Paul Rivers: Ah. The culprit.