Death does not destroy the soul of 21 grams

Alexys 2022-04-21 09:01:33

the earth turned to bring us closer, it turned on itself and in us, until finally brought us together in the dream.

The rotation of the earth brings us closer to each other, and in our hearts he revolves, until we know each other in our dreams. This paragraph is really too beautiful and even a little suspected of being deliberately provocative? As for the problem that many people say that the narrative is too messy, I don't think there is much controversy The wonderful feeling of seeing the truth in the narrative sequence is rather a memory sequence. Memory is never orderly, complete and clear. In this case, it is regarded as a style, but it is fresh. I have been a little confused about Paul's relationship with Christine Is it Paul's personal or does it continue on behalf of this heart? Jack is more like a scapegoat caught by "God" who was tricked by fate. A mysterious mass is really like a force majeure like the rotation of the earth. It is a struggle and a massacre. In the end, it must be settled with a single shot. Death is inevitable.

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21 Grams quotes

  • [hitting his son upside the head to punish him for hitting his sister]

    Jack Jordan: There's no hitting in this house.

  • [holding a glass jar containing his surgically removed heart]

    Paul Rivers: Ah. The culprit.