21 grams

Madie 2022-04-19 09:01:31

Saw a movie called <21 Grams> a good movie
about the intertwining of life, the intertwining of feelings, the inexplicable
relationship, a couple of families who originally seemed unrelated and who started to have a close relationship
because of a traffic accident, a
dying man The wife of the dead man who received a heart transplant from the deceased in a traffic accident
is grief-stricken by the accidental death of her husband and two children.
At this time, the man who accidentally hit and killed the man and his two children is also extremely guilty.
He finally decided to turn himself in and go to jail.
Since a traffic accident, three families have been completely changed....

The man who had a heart transplant began to investigate the person who gave him the heart and finally found the address of the donor.
He was unknowingly Attracted by the donor's wife in the end he told the truth to the wife the woman was hysterical
at first and the two ended up together
they had been brooding over the car accident and finally decided to murder the man...

causing the car accident After the man was released from prison, he was still very guilty. He couldn't face his wife and his two children. He left home
and lived in another place. Two premeditated murderers also came to the place where the man lived and planned to kill him.. .The

ending is actually good, but the process of watching is a bit depressing because of the interlacing of emotions. Everyone's feelings are well portrayed. In the
end, everyone got rid of the shadow of the previous things and started a new life

. I like the part about 21 grams in the back of the movie. How many lives can
each person have? Who is the most important person in life?
It is said that everyone loses 21 grams of weight at the moment of death. What does the weight of 21
grams represent?
What have we lost and what have we gained? How much does
21 grams weigh?
a good quote reminds me of many things
21 grams is the weight of the soul that
seems light but is actually very heavy because the people and things that are hidden deep in the soul
are taken with you when you die

Sometimes I lose some important things in my life. Life still has to go on,
but some things have changed. Maybe it's in the 21 Kree...

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Extended Reading

21 Grams quotes

  • [hitting his son upside the head to punish him for hitting his sister]

    Jack Jordan: There's no hitting in this house.

  • [holding a glass jar containing his surgically removed heart]

    Paul Rivers: Ah. The culprit.