two propositions

Julie 2022-04-19 09:01:31

21 grams - two propositions, . lost and gained. chance and destiny.

Legend has it that when a person dies, he loses 21 grams of weight.
What does the weight of 21 grams mean? The protagonist says, 5 nickels, the weight of a hummingbird, or a small bar of chocolate. My instinctive reaction is that 21 grams should be the weight of the mind. When a person dies, there is no ability to think, no feeling, no thinking, no reaction, no memory, no hope. And so on. In total, 21 grams.
On second thought, no. not completely. 21 grams should be the weight of life. People lose their lives when they die. Feelings, thoughts, reactions, memories, hopes are not lost, but when life is lost, they have no carrier and then fail. But the weight is still there.
If the weight of life is 21 grams, I have two questions. First, how much weight does such a weight have to carry in a person's life? Second, after this life is lost, where did the 21 grams go?
The first question is really just a rhetorical question. There are so many things in our lives. Including the above, as well as happiness, pain, trouble, courage, confusion, happiness, expectation, cowardice, all of them are all on these 21 grams. How much in total? do not know. It varies from person to person. In any case, 21 grams, carry the whole life. So what kind of weight is the so-called unbearable weight in life?
After life is lost, according to the law of immortality of matter, it should not disappear. I have two answers to the second question. One, reincarnation, which is the so-called new life; two, changing the form, and then transferring, turning into loss, confusion, and sorrow and passing it on to the living. What kind of pressure and burden is this insignificant 21 grams on the living...

The second proposition, I didn't see it at first, but a line from Sean Penn reminded me.
The numbers are a door to understand a mystery that's bigger than us. How two people, strangers, come to meet? There's a poem by a Venezuelan writer that begins –
The earth turned to bring us closer
It turned on itself and in us
Until it finally brought us together in this dream.. There're too many things that have to happen
for two people to meet and – anyway, that's what mathematics are.
connect together? That's what the film is about. That is the question that fate and chance have to answer.
It's just the fact that we won't know the answer until the end.

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